According to Jewish scholars, Abraham was commanded to travel to
Canaan to find a new home for his people.
Around 1800 B.C.

, because of a horrible famine

the Hebrews fled the promisedland and went to Egypt.
The Hebrews' escape from slavery in Egypt is known as the
The tribes of Hebrews came together in Canaan to form a kingdom called
Which future king defeated the Philistine soldier Goliath with a simple slingshot?
Who led the Hebrews out of Egypt and back to their homeland?
Why did the Romans who ruled Judea distrust the Jews who lived there?
The Jews believed in one god, rather than many gods.
Where did Judaism begin?
the Middle East
What writings tell us about the history of Judaism?
the Torah
How many years ago did Abraham leave Ur for Canaan?
about four thousand
What was the land of Canaan called?
the Promised Land
Why did the Hebrews leave Canaan?
because of famine
The Hebrews ended up in Egypt as what?
Moses led the Hebrews out of Egypt? What was this called?
the Exodus
During their desert wanderings, the Hebrews received the laws of God in what form?
the Ten Commandments
What was the kingdom called that the Hebrew tribes formed once they were back inCanaan?
Who was the first king of the Israelites?
King David saved Israel from what group?
the Philistines
Who was the wise king who built the temple in Jerusalem?
Why did the kingdom split into Israel and Judah?
because of revolts protesting heavy taxes
Conquered by a series of invaders, the Jews dispersed. This is known as the
Later, Jews who had returned were ruled by the Romans, who called Israel the province of
How did the Jews accept Roman rule?
They wanted to rule themselves in their own kingdom.
How did the Romans regard Judaism at first?
They allowed Judaism to be one of many official Roman religions.

Continued Jewish revolts caused what Roman reaction?
sending a Roman army to defeat the Jews
The destruction of the Second Temple by the Romans left only one thing standing:
the "Wailing Wall."
The banishment of the Jews from Jerusalem in 135 A.D. began what movement?
the second diaspora