Annoying State of Affairs
Condition organism actively avoids or abandons
Attributing human characteristics to non human organisms
Associative shifting
Response is carried from one set of stimulating condition to another by adding and subtracting stimulus.Based on Principle of Contiguity
Material is learned more readily when it is structured in certain ways.
Confirming Reaction
Reaction stimulated when a reaction produces a satisfying state of affairs
Learning involving the strengthening of connections between stimulating conditions and responses to them
Formal discipline
Specific training can strengthen a specific facultyExample, practicing being friendly would strengthen the friendless faculty
Identical elements theory of transfer
It is a theory that the likelihood of something learned in one situation being applied in a different situation is determined by the number of common elements in the two situations
Incremental learning
Learning that occurs a little bit at a time rather than all at once
Law of disuse
It states that the strength of her connection diminishes when the connection is not used
Law of effect
This law states that the strength of the connection is influenced by the consequences of a response
Law of exercise
It states that the strength of the connection is determined by how often the connection is used
Law of readiness
It states that when an organism is ready to act, it is satisfying for it to do so and annoying for it to not do so.

Forced action is also annoying.

Law of use
This states that the strength of connection increases with its use
Morgan Conwy Lloyd
He is an early comparative psychologist who attempted to be objective in his descriptions of animal behavior by carefully avoiding anthropomorphizing
Principle of polarity
The observation that learning materials is most easily performed in the same direction in which it was originally learned
Response by analogy
Response to an unfamiliar situation is determined by its degree of similarity to a familiar situation
Satisfying State of Affairs
A condition of an organism seeks out and attempts to preserve
Trial and error learning
The trying of different responses in a problem solving situation until a response that solves the problems found
Washburn, Margaret Floy
The first woman to earn a PhD in Psychology she wrote about Consciousness in non-human animals
Morgan's Canon
Rule that animal researchers should never explain animal behavior as resulting from a higher mental process if that behavior could be explained by a lower process such as Instinct habit or Association
Multiple response
Prerequisite to trial and error learning
Pre potency of elements
Different aspects of the environment evoke different responses
Principle of parsimony
To sing the simpler Fury between two equally effective theories
Romanes, George John
he is an early comparative psychologist, anthropomorphizing
Sets or attitudes
Temporary conditions like food fatigue or emotion that determines what will be annoying or pleasurable to a given organism
Spread of effect
Reinforcement not only strengthens the response that produced it also strengthens neighboring responses
Strength of connection
Equated with response probability
Transfer of training
When something learned in one situation is supplied in another situation