Students will naturally work efficiently in cooperative learning groups because they enjoy the socialization this format offers.
When students are engaged in cooperative learning groups, the teacher is primarily focused on monitoring students, facilitating their interactions, and giving feedback.

When compared to whole-class and individual class formats, cooperative grouping has greater potential for participation, feedback, and mutual construction of meaning among students.
Assigning student roles in groups and then having students rotate through the roles (so each student takes on each role periodically) is an effective way to develop students' skills in a variety of areas.
In-class discussions about group functioning (including social skills) are effective in helping students understand what is expected of them.
The use of a reward system for developing group behavior is discouraged because it negatively impacts student interaction.
Cooperative learning calls for some modification of traditional management routines.

Allowing students to regularly choose their own group membership is recommended by experts.
Even when the quality of student interaction is low, outcomes of cooperative learning are positive.
Successful cooperative learning always involves which of the following?
All the above individual accountability positive interdependence effective interaction
You want your students to have more in-depth conversations in their cooperative groups. You think that if they learn to ask better questions, the group interactions will improve. Which of the following actions is most likely to facilitate this change?
regularly model the type of interaction you want to see from them
One of your seventh-grade students, Tony, storms over to your desk and tells you that he "just can't work with these people.

" When you question him as to the issue, you find that he feels his group members are ignoring his ideas and input. This is the first time Tony's group has had any issues of this sort. You should

hold a conference with all members of the group and help them come up with a solution
Asking a group to report on their own progress is
advisable, because it helps them develop self-monitoring skills.
Max is one of the lower-achieving students in your class.

He rarely becomes enthusiastic about learning and shows no inclination toward leadership. You have set up your cooperative groups so students rotate through the roles of Discussion Leader, Materials Manager, Recorder, and Time- Keeper. Today is Max's day to be Discussion Leader. You

monitor Max closely as he leads the group and model or make suggestions for improvement.
Benefits of cooperative learning include all but which of the following?
decreased levels of teacher preparation time
Considerations to be made when implementing cooperative learning include
All the aboveaccess to materials room arrangement talk and movement proceduressignals for attention
Although student achievement is promoted by the helping behaviors they exhibit during cooperative learning activities, there are some issues regarding giving and receiving explanations.

Which of the following is NOT one of these issues?

Not A or Dhigher level students may retreat to using less advanced levels of cognition
Mr. Cohen is using cooperative groups as his English class discusses To Kill a Mockingbird. He carries a clipboard on which he has a list of student names; as he circulates, he notes the performance and behavior of all students in the class. This practice is
effective, because he'll be able to use the information when doing performance evaluations.
Teachers value cooperative learning for all but which one of the following reasons?
reduced planning demands

Brown always ends group work activities by standing at the front of the room facing students and turning on the overhead projector. Ms. Brown is using this position and behavior to

signal appropriate student behavior.