enduring changes in behavior
orienting response
the automatic shift of attention toward a new stimulus.


a sensory process by which organisms adapt to constant stimulation. (p296)
process by which two pieces of information from the environment are repeatedly linked so that we begin to connect them in our minds. (p296)
a form of associative learning in which behaviors are triggered by associations with events in the environment. (p296)
classical conditioning
form of associative learning in which a neutral stimulus becomes associated with a stimulus to which one has an automatic inborn response. (297) Discovered by Ivan Pavlov. Originally called conditioning of reflexes.

unconditioned response (UCR)
the automatic, inborn reaction to a stimulus. (p298)
unconditioned stimulus (UCS)
the environmental input that always produces the same unlearned response. (p298) unconditioned simply means unlearned
conditioned stimulus (CS)
a previously neutral input that an organism learns to associate with the UCS. (p298)
conditioned response (CR)
a behavior that an organism learns to perform when presented with the CS. (p298)
stimulus discrimination
restriction of a CR (such as salivation) to the exact CS to which it was conditioned.


stimulus generalization
extension of the association between UCS and CS to include a broad array of similar stimuli. (p299)
the weakening and disappearance of a condition response, which occurs when the UCS is no longer paired with the CS. (p299)
spontaneous recovery
the sudden reappearance of an extinguished response. (p300)
law of effect
the consequences of a behavior increase (or decrease) the likelihood that the behavior will be repeated. (p302)
operant conditioning
the process of changing behavior by manipulating the consequences of that behavior.


Example of operant conditioning
Behavior-texting during class, Consequence-receive a reply that is more interesting than the lecture, Outcome-Keep on texting. (p 303)
an internal or external event that increases the frequency of a behavior. (p304)
secondary (or conditioned) reinforcer
reinforcers that are learned by association, usually via classical conditioning. (p304)
positive reinforcement
the presentation or addition of a stimulus after a behavior occurs that increases how often that behavior will occur. (p304)
Example of positive reinforcement
you exercise a few times and feel better, Result-you exercise more often, and increase in behavior. (p 305)
primary reinforcers
innate, unlearned reinforcers that satisfy biological needs (such as food, water, or sex).


negative reinforcement
removal of a stimulus after a behavior to increase the frequency of that behavior. (p304)
Example of negative reinforcement
you buckle your seat belt and the annoying buzzer sound is removed, result-you continue using your seat belt, and increase in behavior. (p 305)
stimulus, presented after a behavior, that decreases the frequency of the behavior. (p305)
negative punishment
the removal of a stimulus to decrease behavior. (p305)
Example of negative punishment
you talk back to your mom.

She takes away tv and videos for a week, result-you stop talking back to your mom, a decrease in behavior. (p 305)

positive punishment
the addition of a stimulus that decreases behavior. (p305)
Example of positive punishment
you park in the faculty parking lot. You then receive a fine, result-you stop parking in the faculty lot, a decrease in behavior. (p 305)
skinner box
simple chamber used for operant conditioning of small animals. (p306)
the reinforcement of successive approximations of a desired behavior.


continuous reinforcement
reinforcement of a behavior every time it occurs. (p308)
intermittent reinforcement
reinforcement of a behavior-but not after every response. (p308)
schedules of reinforcement
patterns of reinforcement distinguished by whether reinforcement occurs after a set number of responses or after a certain amount of time has passed since the last reinforcement. (p309)
fixed ratio (FR) schedule
pattern of intermittent reinforcement in which reinforcement follows a set number of responses. (p309)
variable ratio (VR) schedule
pattern of intermittent reinforcement in which the number of responses needed for reinforcement changes. (p309)
fixed interval (FI) schedule
pattern of intermittent reinforcement in which responses are always reinforced after a set period of time has passed.


variable interval (VI) schedule
pattern of intermittent reinforcement in which responses are reinforced after time periods of different duration have passed. (p310)
instinctive drift
learned behavior that shifts toward instinctive, unlearned behavior tendency. (p313)
biological constraint model
view on learning proposing that some behaviors are inherently more likely to be learned than others. (p313)
latent learning
learning that occurs in the absence of reinforcement and is not demonstrated until later, when reinforcement occurs.


conditioned taste aversion
the learned avoidance of a particular taste or food. (p315)
enactive learning
learning by doing. (p318)
observational learning
learning by watching the behavior of others. (p318)
social learning theory
a description of the kind of learning that occurs when we model or imitate the behavior of others. (p319)
the imitation of behaviors performed by others.


the rapid and innate learning of the characteristics of a caregiver very soon after birth. (p322)
sensitivity period
imprinting provides clear evidence this period, a period when a particular type of learning occurs very readily in an animal when it is exposed to a particular stimulus or response. (p 323)
the scientific study of animal behavior. (p322)
behavior modification
the application of operant conditioning principles to change behavior. (p329)
Read review on
p 330