Science is needed in the study of human development because ________.
research provides data and facts that will enable people to live full lives
Which step of the scientific method involves making a specific prediction?
develop a hypothesis
Other names for the nature versus nurture debate include _______.

heredity versus environment
The biopsychosocial approach __________.
considers the biological, psychological, and social influences in development
In the nature-nurture debate, most developmentalists believe that __________.
nature and nurture combine to determine outcomes
The difference between one developing person and the norm is _______.
not always considered a deficit
According to social scientists, race is __________.
a social construction
People who came of age during the Great Depression all come from the same __________.

Human development is plastic, which means traits _____.
can be molded, yet are durable
Which of the following is a characteristic of scientific observation?
It involves observing and recording behavior in a natural setting
The only research method that establishes a possible cause-and-effect relationship is ________.
an experiment
For which research method is the primary data source information gained from interviews and questionnaires?
Which of these research designs studies changes over time?
What does it mean when a correlation exists between two variables?
there is a relationship between two variables
Which is unethical research behavior?
changing the data to support the hypothesis
A group of ideas, assumptions, and generalizations that interpret and illuminate observations that have been made about human growth is referred to as a _____ theory.
According to your text, theories produce ________.

hypotheses and generate discoveries
Scientists design studies to investigate theories because __________.
theories are not facts
A major difference between Erickson and Freud is that ________.
Freud emphasized psychosexual development, whereas Erickson emphasized psychosocial development
Who argued that if psychology was to be a true science, psychologists should examine only what can be seen and measured?
Pavlov's experiment in which he conditioned dogs to salivate after hearing a bell demonstrated what he called _________.
classical conditioning
The behaviorist most associated with operant conditioning is _________.


Which theory emphasizes learning through modeling?
social learning theory
According to cognitive theory, our thoughts shape our _________.
attitudes and actions
Information-processing theory seeks to explore _________.
processes of human thought
According to sociocultural theory, human development is the result of an interaction between developing persons and their ________.
surrounding society and culture
Maslow believed that all people have the same basic needs and drives.

He arranged those into what was called ______.

hierarchy of needs
Carl Rogers believed that we should see each other with appreciation without conditions. He referred to this as giving each other ______ regard.
unconditional positive
According to evolutionary theory, every species shares the biologically based drives for ____________
survival and reproduction
A psychologist who uses an eclectic approach during therapy ____________
uses several theoretical perspectives
The basic unit on a chromosome used for the transmission of heredity is called a (n) ___________
The full set of genes for a living organism is called a __________.
A person' genetic inherited potential is called the __________.

Each parent contributes a sex chromosome. Which statement about sex chromosomes is accurate?
The mother's ovum contains an X and the father's sperm contains an X or Y
Shortly after the zygote is formed, it begins the processes of duplication and division. Each resulting new cell has ____________
the same number of chromosomes as were in the zygote
Which type of twins originates from one zygote that splits apart?
A general term for the techniques designed to help infertile couples conceive and then sustain a pregnancy is _________.
assisted reproduction technology
No human trait is determined by genes alone because via ______ programming, health and behavior are mediated through altered gene expression
Human genome research cannot pinpoint the exact number of genes because ___________.
It is hard to figure out where one gene starts and another stops
Alcoholism is ___________
a result of the interaction of nature and nurture
A statistic that indicates what percentage of the variation of a particular trait can be traced to genes is ________.
genes influence every disorder, yet with each disorder ______ can make a difference in the expression and outcome
environmental and social influences
Chromosomal abnormalities occur when the zygote's cells have _______
more or fewer than 46 chromosomes
Most recessive disorders are on the ____ and thus not X-linked
Awareness of genetic risks helps parents _______.
decide whether to have kids
The first two weeks of development after conception is called the ___________.
germinal period
The stage of prenatal development that lasts from week three through eight is the ___________.
The stage of prenatal development that lasts from the ninth week after conception until birth is ___________.
The Apgar scale measures the ________
newborn's health following birth
In what percentage of births in the United states are cesarean sections performed?
A doula is a woman who _________.
helps with the birth process
Agents and conditions that harm the prenatal brain and impair learning and behavior are called _________.
behavioral teratogens
The likelihood of many developmental complications can be greatly reduced through __________.
the science of risk analysis
Moderate use of which of these substances has been associated with fetal abnormalities?
Low birthweight (LBW) is defined as a body weight less than _______ at birth.
5 pounds
What is anoxia?
lack of oxygen during birth
Which term refers to an involuntary response to a particular stimulus?
The term couvade refers to ________.
the father's experience of pregnancy
When parents cooperate to raise their child, they have _______.
formed a parental alliance
The strong loving connection between a parent and newborn is called the _______.
parent-infant bond