What are the four stages of problem solving?
1. Preparation (understanding)- encoding the problem2. Production- generation of possible solution, devising a solution plan3. Judgment- evaluation of possible solutions or approaches for their appropriateness.

4. Incubation- temporary withdrawal from problem

Which stage of problem solving is most important?
Preparation (time consuming)
Which stage of problem solving is often not necessary?
Match the type of problem on the left to the general problem process on the right:Long Division
Match the type of problem on the left to the general problem process on the right:Google search
Match the type of problem on the left to the general problem process on the right:Two string problem
Functional fixedness
Match the type of problem on the left to the general problem process on the right: Riddles
Problem solving set
Match the type of problem on the left to the general problem process on the right:Buying a house
Match the concept on the right to the problem solving theory on the left:Behaviorism
Trial and errorHabit family hierarchy
Match the concept on the right to the problem solving theory on the left:Gestalt
InsightPerceptual restrictingGoal direction
Match the concept on the right to the problem solving theory on the left:Information Processing
Search-scan schemeMeans-endWorking backwardsPlanning processes
How have animal researchers demonstrated creativity in non-human species?
Reinforce unusual behaviors, creative use of language in Apes.
What is the difference between the classical view of concepts and the ecological view? Give examples of each.Classical View
A concept is a class of stimuli sharing common attributes combined by a set of rulesEx) graduation requirements, traffic laws
What is the difference between the classical view of concepts and the ecological view? Give examples of each.Ecological View
A concept is a loosely defined set of stimuli defined by prototypical examples Ex) animals, love
What does it mean to say that learning a concept involves learning to make a common response to a set of stimuli?
It is a set because a combination of things create the bigger picture.

Why does learning classical concepts involve two processes (attribute learning and rule learning)? Which must be learned first? Why?
1) Attribute learning 2) Rule learningThis is because we must first identify what the relevant features or dimensions are and then we can discover how they work together to make the whole.
What is the basic idea behind the behavioral theory of concept learning?
Reinforcement of relevant attributes strengthens the common response (i.e. chew on stimuli that look like food).

Non-reinforcement or punishment of irrelevant attributes weakens common response (i.e. do no chew on stimuli that look like "slipper").

What is the basic idea behind the cognitive theory of concept learning?
Connection between the physical stimulus and overt response is bridged by an internal mental state. The solution shift experiment.

Cognitive development - Piaget (symbolic thought, reversible thought, abstract thought).

Why is Piaget's theory of development classified as a cognitive theory?
Because it deals with mental stages.
What are Piaget's four developmental stages?
SensorimotorPre-operationalConcrete OperationalFormal Operations
What does the child accomplish in each stage?Sensorimotor
sensory and motor coordination, egocentrism.
What does the child accomplish in each stage?Pre-operational
object permanence, simple classification.
What does the child accomplish in each stage?Concrete operational
complex classification, reversibility.
What does the child accomplish in each stage?Formal operations
abstract, hypothetical reasoning.
What is the "solution shift" experiment? What did it aim to prove?
You can shift between extra dimensional and reversal shifting.
What prediction does behavioral theory make regarding the ease or difficulty of a reversal shift versus an extradimensional shift when classifying geometric patterns? Why?
Predicts that extra dimensional shift is easier than reversal because animal only has to learn to new S-R associations.
What prediction does cognitive theory make regarding the ease or difficulty of a reversal shift versus an extradimensional shift when classifying geometric patterns? Why?
Predicts that reversal shift is easier than extra dimensional because the mental event is an internal response to color, not the shape.
What is the difference between problem solving and decision making?Problem solving
The area of cognitive psychology that studies the processes involved in solving problems.
What is the difference between problem solving and decision making?Decision making
The cognitive process of reaching a decision: "a good executive must be good at decision making."
Why do humans make logical errors in problem solving and decision making?
-Media-Representative bias-Depends how issue is presented