Learning Theory "Behaviorism": Theorists
Bandura, Skinner, Watson, Pavlov
Learning Theory "Behaviorism": Human Nature
neutral, tabula rasa
Learning Theory "Behaviorism": Major Concepts
classical/ operant conditioning, reinforcement/ punishment
Learning Theory "Behaviorism": Focus of Theory
Learning Theory "Behaviorism": Starting Point (what the baby is born with)
reflexes (behaviorism)
Learning Theory "Behaviorism": main age(s) studied
whole lifespan
Learning Theory "Behaviorism": quantitative or qualitative (how many stages)
NO stages, quantitative (behaviorism)
Learning Theory "Behaviorism": Major Shortcomings
cannot explain language
Learning Theory "Behaviorism": Unit of Measurement
actions (observable)
Learning Theory "Behaviorism": other names
Learning Theory "Behaviorism": implications for intervention
high implication, quick behavior modification