SLT formula
S + MC = R (Stimulus + mediating cognitive factors = response)
Vicarious reinforcement
Learning is not a result of direct reinforcement, but rather an individual's observation of another person's expierience. For example, you see a friend being rewarded for focusing in class, therefore you start to focus in class for the desired response.
Observing someone else carrying out a behaviour.
Role model
You are more likely to identify with a role model with some link to you, i.e.

age or gender. There are two types of models: •live models - physically presented in our enviroment, for example a mother or teacher. •Symbolic models - presented in films, books and cartoons.

Banduras bobo doll (1961)
Bandura wanted to observe whether social behaviours (in this case aggression) can be learned through observation and immitation. • 72 children aged 3 to 5 •Boys and girls watched a role model of the same sex; interacting with toys ( including the bobo doll ) •4 groups, 2 boy groups and 2 girl groups , one aggressive and one non aggressive. •After observing the role models the children were put in the room with the same toys individualy.

~Findings~ • While boys generally responded more violently than girls, the children who had witnessed the role model interacting with the toys in a negative way were more likely to imitate this behaviors. This was the opposite for the children who observed the non aggresive role model playing with the toys.

3 key assumptions of the SLT approach
• Mediational processes ( thinking ) which lie between stimulus and response influence our behaviour. •Observational learning has four conditions ( attention, retention, motor reproduction/reproduction and motivation). • Learning can occur by observing role models in our enviroment.
2 Strengths of SLT
•SLT takes into account the cognitive processes that are involved in learning.

•SLT has been applied to many areas of psychology and has provided effective explanations of behaviour, for example acquisition of gender roles.

2 limitations of SLT
•SLT does not fully explain individual differences, like how not everyone has the same idea of reinforcement. •SLT does not account for all behaviour, like becoming a criminal when you have not observed criminal behaviour.
Remembering and storing a behaviour you have observed.

When an individual is intellectually and physically capable of displaying a behaviour they have acquired. (SELF EFFICACY)
When an individual has a reasom for displaying that behaviour.
Remembering and storing a behaviour you have observed.
When an individual is intellectually and physically capable of displaying a behaviour they have acquired.


When an individual has a reason for displaying that behaviour. (For praise or positive consequences)
A bridge
SLT can be viewed as a bridge between behavioursim and cognitive learning theories.