Cognitive Learning Stylesthe general ways people prefer to have information presented in…
3 types of learning stylesVisual, Auditory, and KinestheticVisual LearnerIs a teaching and…
Kolb Model- Conceptualized learning styles as a dynamic state resulting from the…
Visual LearnersPrefer to learn information through charts, graphs, symbols or other means.Aural…
define/explain learning stylesrefers to the concept that individuals differ in regard to…
Bodily-KinestheticAbility to use movements for self expressionInterpersonalUses social interaction and understanding the…
MetacognitionMeta = about Cognition = thinking and learning Metacognition = thinking about…
An individual’s preferred method of thinking, understanding, and processing of information is…
Meshing Hypothesislearning is optimized when learning style is matched to instruction styleex:…
Be able to understand the different approaches to learning and performance, including…
Study• Referential style – first words are nouns denoting objects – cat•…
Things to Consider Regarding the Stages of Learning- Transitions between learning stages…
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