3 types of learning styles
Visual, Auditory, and Kinesthetic
Visual Learner
Is a teaching and learning style in which ideas, concepts, data, and other information are associated with images and techniques.
Auditory Learner
May have a knack for ascertaining the true meaning of someone's word by listening to audible signals like changes in tone.
Kinesthetic Learner
Is a learning style in which learning takes place by the student carrying out a physical activity, rather than listening to a lecture or watching a demonstration.
3 ways to study

Study in a quiet place. 2. Not having any distractions near you. 3. Set a time

1. Specific 2.

Measurable 3. Attainable 4. Realistic 5. Time-bound

Does the goal clearly and specifically state what you are trying to achieve.

How will you(and others) know if progress is being made on archiving your goal. 2. Can you quantify or out numbers to your outcome.


Is achieving your goal dependent on anyone else. 2. Is it possible to reframe your goal so it only depends on you. 3.

What factors may prevent you from accomplishing your goal.

1. Why is archiving this goal important to you. 2.

What value in your life does this goes reflect. 3. What effect will achieving your goal have on your life or others.

When will you each your goal.
3 good thing
1. Being in a quiet place 2.

Not talking to anyone 3. Having time

Audority Learner 3 ways to study
1. Read your work out loud. Summarize what you read on tape. 2.

Say words inside your head silently. 3. Brainstorm ideas with others. From study groups.

Visual Learners 3 ways to study
1. Take notes, make picture, graphs, and charts.

Use FlashCards and highlight key details. 2. Sit close to a teacher so that you con watch his/her face and gestures. 3. Takes notes or make lists as you listen to directions.

Kinesthetic learners 3 ways to study
1. Keep your desk of distracting objects. 2. Cover the page you're not reading.

3. Gets plenty of sleep.

Study calendar
It's a good way to organize your time.
Study clock
Is an hour-by-hour list