Cognitive Learning Styles
the general ways people prefer to have information presented in order to problem solve process, learn, and remember new information.
Learning Modalities
refers to cognitive learning styles such as visual, auditory, and kinesthetic.
Learning Style Preference
a tendency to use a visual, auditory, or kinesthetic modality when there is a choice of ways to learn and process new information.
Visual Learners
learners who prefer to process and learn information in visual forms such as pictures, charts, lists, paragraphs, or other printed formats.
Auditory Learners
learners who prefer to process and learn by hearing and discussing information.
Kinesthetic Learners
learners who prefer to process and learn information through large and small muscle movements and hands-on experiences.
the processing of creating mental images of pictures and colors.
the process of speaking or reading out loud to activate the auditory channel and build dilatory memory.
the process of explaining information out loud, in complete sentences, and in your own words without looking at printed information.
Developing Muscle Memory
a kinesthetic process that involves performing multiple repetitions of steps or actions until the actions become automatic.
See-Say-Do Strategy
a multi sensory learning strategy that involves visual, auditory, and kinesthetic actions or processes.