Meta = about Cognition = thinking and learning Metacognition = thinking about thinking and learning about learning; knowing about yourself as a learner; identifying learning goals and progress
Make a Master Study Plan
1. Make sure you understand your assignments 2.

Schedule yourself to be three places at one 3. Talk through your learning challenges 4. Be a stickler 5. Take study breaks 6. Estimate how long it will take 7.

Mix it up 8.Vary your study techniques by course content 9. Study earlier, rather than later 10. Create artificial deadlines for yourself 11. Treat school as a job 12. Show up

Visual Aural Read/write Kinesthetic
How are you smart?
Linguistic- reading/writing, read out loud, re-write notes Logical Mathematical- analyze organization of textbook/notes, create hypotheticals Spatial- draw maps that display your thinking, illustrate notes, mark up your readings Bodily-Kinesthetic- study course material while engaged in physical activity, act out a scene based on chapter content, practice skills introduced in class or in the text Musical- create musical memory devices by putting words into well-known melodies, listen to music while you're studying, sing or hum as your work Interpersonal- discuss course material with your classmates, organize a study group, meet a classmate before or after class for coffee and class conversation Intrapersonal- keep a journal or track your personal reactions to course material, study alone, coach yourself on how to best study for a challenging class Naturalistic- search for applications of course content in the natural world, study outside (if weather permits and your resist distractions), go to a physical location that exemplifies course material (for example, a park for your geology course)