Learning Disability
neurobiological disorder in one of the basic processes in understanding spoken or written language.
students who do not qualify for special education but can receive modifications.
Intellectual Disability (mental retardation)
significant limitations both intellectual functioning and in adaptive behavior as expressed in conceptual, social and practical adaptive skills.

Emotional/ Behavioral Disorder (EBD)
emotional or behavioral disturbance that interferes with learning and present significant challenge to teachers and others. (mild disability)
has a learning disability in one of the basic psychological processes, difficulty in learning, problem is not primarily due to other causes.
Severe Discrepancy
significant difference between a child's current achievement and intellectual potential: -oral expression -written expression -listening comprehension -basic reading reading comprehension -math calculations -math reasoning
Perceptual Disorder
student is unable to recognize and interpret information received through senses
Frontal Lobe
brain part involved in movement, decision-making, problem solving, and planning.
Temporal Lobe
organizes sensory input, auditory perception, language and speech production, and memory production.

Parietal Lobe
sensory information such as touch, pressure and pain.
Occipital lobe
interpreting visual stimuli and information.
severe reading disorder in which the individual cannot learn to read or does not acquire fluent and efficient reading skills. (genetic)
Response to Intervention (RTI)
prevention model to prevent or academic failure by providing "evidenced-based teaching" procedures for all students in general education.
Phases in L.D.
1.) Foundation Phase 2.)Transition Phase 3.) Integration Phase