Learning Disabilities
Students have a big gap between intelligence and achievement in one or more areas.
Weakness of the federal definition of learning disabilities
exclusion of adults reference to basic psychological process inclusion of spelling as a learning disability inclusion of obsolete terms wording of the exclusion clause IDEA wants students already identified before they are adults. The fastest growing area of identified students with learning disabilities is college age.

Some professionals believe spelling can be a learning disability. IDEA definition includes spelling.

Tompkins definition of learning disabilities
one or more significant defects (difference) in essential learning processes, requiring special education remedial interventions. children with learning disabilities demonstrate a discrepency between expected and actual achievement in one or more areas.
Identifying students with learning disabilities
IQ/Achievement Discrepancy A severe discrepancy between intellectual ability and academic achievement.

(GAP) An exclusion criterion (not because of environment, etc.. A need for special education

visual motor integration( what modifications and accommodations might they need) IQ achievement test ( hour to administer) goes hand in hand. One validates the other.

RTI- Response to intervention
use a process that determines if the child responds to scientific, research based intervention If the response is significantly lower than expected, student could be identified - LD Shifts the identification from a "wait to fail" to early identification and prevention
Other way of identifying LDs
3 levels of intervention
problem in one or more of the following areas: reading written language math social skills attention and hyperactivity perceptual motor ability and behavioral problems speech and language memory and general coordination ADHD can sometimes go with ACD but not always Sometimes they have really strong oral language skills Do have problems socially sometimes
Prevalence of LDs
Learning Disabilities form the largest category in special education Represents 5% of the total school population in the US and half of al students receiving special education Difficulty with reading is by far the most common characteristics for LD students Almost half of the students you serve will have learning disabilities
Causes of LDs
Seldom known; four types of suspected causes 1. brain Damage 2. Heredity- Dyslexia 3. Biochemical imbalance 4. Environmental factors such as poverty, child rearing practices and poor instruction