Kolb Model
- Conceptualized learning styles as a dynamic state resulting from the learners preference. - Considers that every learner approaches a topic based on past experiences and the demands of the environment
Concrete Experience (CE)
Learn by experiencing
Abstract Conceptualization (AC)
Learning by thinking - acting on an intellectual understanding of the situation
Active Experimentation (AE)
Showing ability to get things done, taking risks, influencing people and events through actions
Reflective Observation (RO)
Learning by reflecting - carefully observing before making judgments, viewing issues from different perspectives, looking for the meaning of things
"Accomodator" Learning Style
Combination of CE with AE - typically completes hands-on tasks and enjoys experiencing new and challenging situation
Accomodator Teaching Strategies
Teacher should model hands on and specific teaching techniques Best techniques are role playing, skill practicing, problem solving, small group discussions, peer feedback.
"Converger" Learning Style
Combines AC with AE - they like to think about the subject - practical application of ideas
"Converger" Teaching Strategies
Peer feedback and activities that apply skills and tasks - they prefer self-directed, autonomous type of teaching and learning
"Diverger" Learning Style
Combines CE with RO - the learner is able to look at info from different perspectives and prefers to watch rather than perform tasks
"Diverger" Teaching Strategies
These learners need plenty of reflection time Involve them in group rehab Connecting the tasks with familiar experiences is very important
"Assimilator" Learning Style
Combines AC with RO - prefers to use a concise and logical approach to learning with a focus on abstract ideas and concepts.
"Assimilator" Teaching Strategies
Work with patients one-on-one, allowing them enough time to read the info and apply it in a methodical fashion