improve students athletic ability, promotion of learning, enhance self-esteem, learn to compete, enhance school pride
5 purposes of interscholastic sports
title ix
most dramatic change in the world of interscholastic athletics
when became widely available to females
education, socialization, military preparedness, health
sports became a part of our schools to address what 4 societal concerns
teachable moment
moment of educational opportunity when a person is likely to be disposed to learn something or is especially responsive to being taught or made aware of something
a coach's ___ will have the most important thing that will influence your students
creating and ensuring a safe, non-threatening and respectful environment that provides each student opportunities to develop skills and learn personal responsibility
coach's number 1 responsibility:
technical, tactical, managerial, interpersonal
4 coaching skill sets
promote learning, citizenship, sportsmanship, healthy lifestyle, life skills
5 expected outcomes of interscholastic sports
preparation, time management, programming, administrative structure, legal responsibilities
5 managerial skills
assistant coach
part of administration that reports to head coach
athletic director
head coach reports to who
athletic director reports to who
administer schools; establish policy for athletics and deal with other school districts and outside groups
leader of school; accountable for all aspects
state association
governs sport and jurisdiction and eligibility
board of education
interpret needs of community and developing policies; final decision in school district
baseline check
check if okay to go back to sport after concussion
promotion of learning
most important outcome of interscholastic sports
consistent with ability and maturity of student
describe a developmentally appropriate experience
cognitive, motor skill, psychological, and physical development
to have a developmentally appropriate expectations must be consisted with student's stage of:
doesn't look like serena williams, won't play or understand game like her
example of developmentally appropriate experience
very important that sports are apart of the ___ process
age, enrollment/attendance, maximum participation, transfer/residency, academic, non-school participation, pre participation evaluation, restitution, amateur/awards, recruiting/undue influence
10 areas of eligibility
save life, prevent aggravation of an injury and alleviate severe suffering
goals of first responder (3)
it will create a fundamental alteration of the sport and/or create an undue administration burden or is excessively costly
requires facilities and programs to make accommodations for disabled students unless
age, number of semesters, medical conditions, transfer to receive the benefits of specialized instruction, academic achievement
areas of challenge made for eligibility of disabled students
age and number of semesters
two most common areas of challenge for eligibility of disabled students
philosophy and ethics, safety and injury prevention, physical conditioning, growth and development, teaching and communication, sport skills and tactics, organization and administration, evaluation
8 domains for national standards for sport coaches