An individual's preferred method of thinking, understanding, and processing of information is called their:
learning style
Diverse learners, need more then sequential, analytical teaching; thus, the master educator will:
vary teaching strategies
Sensory learning styles include:
seeing, hearing and talking
The kinesthetic learner enjoys:
being involed
Learning is a four step process. The ___________step involves processing and understanding formation.
The __________step of the learning process involves practicing the underlying theory or practical application until the information or task has been mastered:
When students receive information is an environment conducive to learning, it is called:
input and environment
What does Howard Gardner mean when he says that education is not unitary?
students can be smart in many ways
Howard Gardner has identified:
nine intelligences
The student who has the ability to successfully communicate, listen, read, and speak possesses:
verbal/linguistic intelligence
When teaching the verbal linguistic learner:
use metaphors, similes and paraphrasing, assign journaling activities, and employ word games, mnemonics, and affirmations
The ability to understand space and to comprehend and create images relates to the:
visual/spatial intelligence
To appeal to visual/spatial learners, the master educator's lessons would include:
designing graphic, logo's, and flyers
Color coding notes so that each topic is in the same color is extremely helpful for the:
visual/spatial intelligence
Students who are good with sorting, classifying, sequencing, evaluating, and predicting display the:
logical/mathematical intelligence
When planning lessons with the logical/mathematical student in mind, include:
evaluating ideas, classifying and categorizing information, making charts and graphs
A logical/mathematical intelligence study tip would be to:
study in a quiet place
Learners who would rather be left to their own resources, who think better on their own instead of bouncing ideas off others possess:
intrapersonal intelligence
Activities that appeal to the intrapersonal intelligence include:
assigning workbook activities and arranging internet research projects
During planning time, the master educator will use demonstrations or hands-on involvement to grasp the attention of the student with:
bodily/kinesthetic intelligence
To appeal to the bodily/kinesthetic intelligence:
have the students role play and have the students play charades
Study tips for the student with the bodily/kinesthetic intelligence include:
pace and recite while studying, and use flashcards with another student
The ability to relate to others, noticing their moods, motivations, and feelings, represents the:
interpersonal intelligence
Activities to enhance the learning of students strong in the interpersonal intelligence include:
team-building activities
The ability to comprehend and create meaningful sounds and the ability to keep rhythm is indicative of:
music/rhythmic intelligence
Having students write and perform musical jingles, put vocabulary into music or jingle format, and write a song including facts about the subject matter, would be appropriate activities for students with strong:
musical/rhythmic intelligence
While studying, the musical/rhythmic intelligent student will be found:
playing background music, beating out rhythms, writing a rap about the topic
Being able to make distinctions in the natural world and discriminate between natural and non-natural items is a trait of the:
verbal/linguistic intelligence
The student with keen observational skills who can identify brand of cars, planes, sneakers, or handbags is strong in the:
verbal/linguist intelligence
Teaching activities that would interest the student with the naturalist intelligence include:
listing natural ingredients in products, teaching aromatherapy,and recording changes in hair skin and nails
When studying, the naturalist intelligent student might find satisfaction in:
sorting and classifying subject matter, outdoor study when practical, and taking a nature walk during study breaks
Knowing how we learn best enables students and educators to:
make better choices
Identifying all students; styles of learning will enable them to:
look for a work environment that best suits them, and receive better grades
As master educators, we must present our teaching methodologies to:
reach all intelligences
As long as the brain is still functioning, the age limit for developing in the intrapersonal, interpersonal, and logical/mathematical intelligences is:
no age limit
During the course of the week, educators should have addressed:
all of the intelligences
The standard IQ (intelligence quotient) test measures:
verbal/linguistic and logical/mathematical intelligences
Our students learning styles may change due to:
circumstances, and subject matter
When delivering lessons, the educator should attempt to reach at least:
three or for intelligences in every class
As a master educator, you have the ability to enhance the brain power of your students by:
delivering content that reaches all intelligences