Power Learning
Prepare Organize Work Evaluate and Rethink
Long Term Goals
Accomplishments that take some time to achieve
Short Term Goals
Limited steps you would take on the road to achieve your long term goal
The inner power and psychological energy that directs and fuels the mind
An assessment of the match between the product or activity and the goal it was intended to meet
Critical Thinking
A process involving reanalysis,questioning,and challenge of underlying assumptions
Receptive Learning Style
The way in which we initially receive information
Learning Style
One's preferred manner of acquiring,using,and thinking about knowledge
Read/Write Learning Style
A style that involves a preference for written material,favoring reading over hearing and touching
Visual/Graphic Learning Style
A style that favors material presented visually in a diagram
Auditory/Verbal Learning Style
A style that favors listening as the best approach to learning
Tactile/Kinesthetic Learning Style
A style that involves learning by touching,manipulating objects,and doing things
Left-brain Processing
Information processing primarily by the left hemisphere of the brain,focusing on tasks requiring verbal competence,such as speaking,reading,thinking,and reasoning; information is processed sequentially,one bit at a time.
Right-Brain Processing
Information processing primarily by the right hemisphere of the brain,focusing on information in nonverbal domains,such as the understanding of spatial relationships and recognition of patterns,drawings,music,and emotional expression.