Belief System
Represents a teacher's informed philosophy of reading and learning to read
3 ways teacher's understand literacy
1. Personal experiences2.

Practical experiences3. Professional study

Connections that exsist within and between texts
What is the main goal of reading instruction?
Teach children to become independent readers and learners
New Literacies
Rapidly changing nature of reading and writing
Professional Knowledge
Knowledge acquired from an ongoing study of the practice of teaching
Literacy Coach
Helps develop expertise in the classroom, support teacher learning
Reflect prior knowledge, experiences, conceptual understandings, attitudes, values, skills, and procedures a reader brings to a reading situation
Knowledge about and regulation of some form of cognitive ability
3 parts of metacognition
1. Self-knowledge2. Task-knowledge3. Self-monitoring
Self Knowledge
Knowledge that students have about themselves as readers and learners
Task Knowledge
Knowledge of reading tasks and the strategies that are appropriate given a task at hand
Ability of students to monitor reading by keeping track of how well they are comprehending
Psycholinguistic View
Combines a psychological understanding of the reading process with an understanding of how language works
Graphophonemic System
Relies on print itself in order to provide readers with a major source of information
Syntactic System
Depends on the readers possessing knowledge about how language works
Semantic system
Stores the schemata that readers bring to a text in terms of background knowledge, experiences, conceptual understandings
Bottom up Model
Process of translating print to meaning begins with the print-Initiated by decoding graphic symbols into sounds
Top down Model
Process of translating print to meaning begins with the readers prior knowledge-Initiated by making predictions about the meaning of some unit of print
Interactive Model
Process of translating print to meaning involves making use of both prior knowledge and print