"Streams to the River, River to the Sea"
name of the book
year the book was published
why Thomas Jefferson chos Meriwether Lewis
because he was young (29), was a tireless youth, and gave serious thought to the looks of the land
why Thomas Jefferson chose William Clark
because he was laid-back and took each day as it came
a nomadic tribe who lived high up in the mountains
Scott O'Dell
author of the book
Clark's name for Sacagawea
historical fiction
genre of the book
point of view the story is written in
another name for a blackberry
two Minnetarees
the amount of Minnetarees Sacagawea sees while picking blackcaps with Running Deer
a rifle
Running Deer and Sacagawea's relationship to each other
they are cousins
they are captured
what happens to Sacagawea and Running Deer when the Minnetarees raid their village
a chief or leader
Tall Rock
Sacagawea's captor, who is tall, mute Native American, has a head that site squatly between his shoulders, is thin, and older than Sacagawea's father
Sacagawea's mother's scalp
what Tall Rock has tied to his belt