MetacognitionMeta = about Cognition = thinking and learning Metacognition = thinking about…
An individual’s preferred method of thinking, understanding, and processing of information is…
latent learningLearning that occurs but is not apparent until there is an…
Principles (laws)Statements about an area of study that are generally accepted as…
Cognitive Learning TheoriesTheories that explain learning in terms of people’s thinking and…
What is Social Learning TheoryBandura’s theory – Emphasizes learning though observation of…
Cognitive view of learningA general approach that views learning as an active…
what is Bandura known forbobo doll studyidentification similar to who else?Freud, Dollard…
Cognitive-Social Learning TheoriesPersonality theories that view behavior as the product of the…
define/explain learning stylesrefers to the concept that individuals differ in regard to…
Meshing Hypothesislearning is optimized when learning style is matched to instruction styleex:…
Study• Referential style – first words are nouns denoting objects – cat•…
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