The increased activity of the amygdala is a reason that children during the play years experience
Frightening Nightmares
To ensure adequate nutrition and vitamin intake, what is recommended?
Eat breakfast cereals that contain 100% of the day's nutrients and vitamins.
Child-centered programs are often influenced by the theories of _____ and ______:
Piaget; Vygotsky
A preschool child thinks a tall 20 year old man is older than a short 40 year old man. This is an example of:
Focus appearance
The hippocampus is a structure in the brain that processes:
Daryl has a ball of Silly Putty. His 6-year old son, Mason, watches as Daryl flattens the Silly Putty into a thin "pancake." When Daryl asks Mason if there is not more Silly Putty, Mason replies "yes" because he has:
Not mastered the concept of conservation.
According to Vygotsky, a guided participation requires that a child:
Interacts with a mentor to accomplish task.
According to Vygotsky, a teacher who carefully plans each child's participation in the learning process within the zone of proximal development uses:
Which type of injury prevention begins after an injury and is done to limit the damage caused by the injury?
Tertiary (Prevention)
When children hear a new word in a familiar context, they can simply add the word to the general category without fully understanding the word. This is called:
Fast mapping
The ability to plan and prioritize appears to be directly related to the development of the ______ cortex
Ivan was playing under the kitchen table hen he stood up suddenly and bumped his head. He pointed at the table and sternly said, "naughty table!!" This is an example of:
Myelination is important because:
Speeds up the transmission of neural impulses
"I catched two mouses in a trap: is an example of:
Britney understand that her father is crying because his best friend died. This shows that Britney has developed:
Theory of mind
Jake's father takes him to the barber for his first real haircut . At first, Jake is excited, but as soon as the barber makes the first cut in his hair he becomes very upset and tells his father to make the barber stop. In spite of his father's efforts to assure Jake that his hair will grow back, Jake is exhibiting the characteristic known as:
According to Vygotsky, the internal dialogue that we have with ourselves either silently or out loud is referred to as:
Private speech