hunter/gatherer socieites: food contributions by role
gatherers contribute more calories to fill daily needs than hunters, although hunters contributions celebrated (feast)
Intentional cultivation: Date & Locations
12,000 years ago: Fertile Crescent (TIgris & Euphrates rivers & Middle East) & Nile (Eygpt)
African& Mesopotamian Civ. flourish: Peoples & Date)
2000BCE: Sumeria, Babylonia, Assyria (Mes.) & Egypt & Kush (AFrica)
Thinking about Civilizations
Geography influences economy (trade, etc.) Social Structures of Society (group size, fam. structure) Religious & Political Life
B. 500 BCE. incorporated principles of older chinese thinking into confucionism
Concept of respect: one must respect one's parents & family, govt & rulers, live upright as a sign of self-respect. Supported by China's rulers
Built on existing concepts of yin & yang, the complementary polarities of all existence, in formulating mystical philosophy of Taosim
The essence of Tao is balance (yin/yang): one must strive to be aware of the order and harmony of all existence and to live in accordance with it. Only in balance and harmony can one live a successful life.
Gutama Buddha (the Buddha)
India: Prince born who rejected destiny & embarked on mission to discover sources of human suffering. Taught primary source of suffering is failure to control one's desires.
incorporates elements from other religions, including karma & reincarnation (Hinduism) and a belief in the possibility of Enlightenment & being freed from the cycle of birth-death-rebirth
a fate that is earned
rebirth after death
religious stories
Greek city known for philosophers & artists
preeminent military and athletic center of Ancient Greece.
Romans: relationship to Greece
conquered Greece 500 yrs after founding of Rome & incorporated Greek mythology & culture to Rome's.
Justinian Code
529CE (AD): considered to be the basis for justice systems in use throughout much of the Western World.
Code of Hammurabi
in ancient Babylon, predated Justinian Code by 2000 years. First known written legal code.
dominant system of the medieval period: social, economic & political system in which power is decentralized, and varying numbe rof lords hold land, or fiefs, on which they allow other sto work.
"the Prophet" born 570CE in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. Wrote his revelations in the Koran
founded by Muhammad. holy book = koran. monotheistic religion, accepts both Christian & Jewish texts as par of its tradition.
series of invasions by Europeans in the middle east starting in 1100
feudal lord in feudal japan (12c CE) to 15th c.
equicalent of a medieval European King (12CE-15CE) in feudal Japan
code of knights in Japan
Magna Carta
1215 King John of England signs the Magna Carta under duress. The king consents to be restrained by the rule of law. Considered the foundation of the English Common Law system that followed it, and also for the American Constitution (esp. the 5th & 6th ammend).
Gutenberg Bible
1450 First book printed on printing press
Martin Luther
1517 uses printing press to widely distribute his protests against the Church and its practices. Led to formation of Protestant churches, religious wars in Europe, & emigration to New World by Protestant sects
Looking at History
thru lens of discovery or invention note wars and powerful people: causes & effects Human Migration: causes (natural events, human events) & consequences
Spanish Exploration @ Renn.: area
Florida & South, from present day Mexico to South America.
English Exlporation @ Renn:
North America's East Coast, looking for river routes (NW Pasage).
The Enlightenment period
17-19c. Increased literacy among European people led to an explosion of activity in the areas of science and philosphy, focusing on the phsycial world and our place in it. (Isaac Newton, Descartes, Voltaire, Rousseau, Locke, Hume) Led to American and French Revolution.
Enlightenment Thinkers: Common Traits
Emphasized the use of reason, focused on experience and the observable, rather than on principles and speculation; storngly believed in the ability of reasonable people to achieve progress, even perfectibility, in human institutions. Used the scientific method. Blind submission to authority in no-one's best interest
the practice of state regulation and control of the enconomy in an attempt to insure and increase prosperity. Evolved into capitalism.
Individuals, not the state, control the means of production (eg factories). The workers who provide the labor receive a wage for their work.
Karl Marx/ Socialism.
Marx believed that capitlaism = feudal serfdom. @ Socialism: believed that workers should control the means of production and share in the profits of their labor. Socialism evolved into Communish
The state controls the means of production and distributes the profits, ostemsibly for the benefit of the people. Communist governements extend state control into social and political realms as well.
Thinking about economic issues
think about ec. issues in terms of "cost=benefit"; what is gained, by whom; and what is lost or sacrified and by whom. -think in terms of supply/demand
law of supply and demand
if supply is greater than demand, the value of a product is lower; if demand is greater than supply, the value is higher.
The Grand Experiment
The forming of the US
Ferdinand Magellan
Portugese sailing for Spain; first to circumnavigate the globe (his ship did; he died on the journey)
Jacques Cartier
France sent him to look for a NW passage thru Canada: He found the Great Lakes
Sir Francis Drake
English sailor: 2nd to circumnavigate the globe.
First permanent English settlement in US
Jamestown Virginia 1607
Pilgrims @ Plymouth Rock: year, purpose
1620: fleeing religious persecution
"THose who conquer" Spanish explorers
Ferdiand Balboa
Conquistador: leads overland expedition thru Panama to find the Pacific Ocean in 1513.
Aztec Empire
Central Mexico: Empire: Ruled from capital city of Tenochtitlan: good defense position @ middle of lake. Complex culture. Tribute from neighboring peoples. Sun God. Human Sacrifice. Moncteuzma saw arrival of Cortes as a divine occurance: mistake to let him in the city.
Hernando Cortes
first real conquistador: conquered the Aztecs around 1521
Inca Empire
One of the great Amerindian civ. pre-Columbian era. Extended from equator to Chile, between Andes mountains and Pacific ocean. terraced steep mountainsides. system of roads; established trade along coasts.
Francisco Pizzaro
Born in Spain. Settled in Panama in 1520. Conquered Inca Empire with fewer than 200 men (ag. 40,000 warriors) within 5 years.
Maya Empire
Amerindian Empire, pre-Columbian period. More widely dispersed than the other two. Enormous empire already splintered prior to arrival of conquistadors. Like Aztecs, built terraced pyramids, utilized mutlple calendars. Discovered "zero" before Europeans. Peaked several hundred years prior to arrival of Spanish. Wide geographical range, therefore could not be conquered all at once
Primary reasons for immigration to the New World
search for economic opportunity freedom of religion adventure. Generally, those seeking freedom of religion settled in the North, those seeking economic gain settled further south.
Southern Colonies
Jamestown, Virginia settled 1607. Virginia remains cultural epicenter of South until well after independence. 1634: King grants Maralyand to Calvert family (for Catholics). 1649 Lord Baltimore opens colony to all 1649 Maryland Toleration Act of 1649: reduces relig. discrimination Note that Georgia founded in 1633 as buffer ag. Spanish in Florida by bringing debtors from prisons.