Columbus landing in the New World - (1451-1506)
Believed earth was a sphere. 4 voyages in effort to find a route to the east. Discovered Bahamas, Hispaniola, Cuba, Dominica, Guadeloupe, Jamaica, Central/South America. Opened western hemisphere to economic and political development by Europeans (Spanish, English, French).
French and Indian War (1754-1763)
An extension of European 7 years war. Battle over colonial territory and wealth by French and English. Ended French cultural/political influence in N. America. England gained land but weakened rapport with Native Americans. Led to Revolutionary War.
The American Revolutionary War (1775-1783)
American war of independence. 13 colonies: Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Hampshire, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Georgia, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia. Wanted right of self-governance. Treaty of Paris recognized sovereignty in US.
Declaration of Independence (1776)
Author Thomas Jefferson. Adopted by Second Continental Congress. Starts with necessity for document and why sought freedom. Laid foundation for new government.
The Industrial Revolution (1830's)
Transition from manual labor to machines. Creation of textiles, iron, and steam
The Civil War (1861-1865)
Conflict between the Union and Confederacy. 11 slave states wanted to secede. It ended slavery. 1862 Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation and strengthened the fed. Gov.
Westward Expansion (1807-1912)
Louisiana Purchase. Lewis and Clark/pioneer families swept westward. Removal of Native Americans under Andrew Jackson.
WWI (1914-1918)
Initiated by conflict between Austria-Hungary and Serbia. Between Entente (Allied) powers: (Russian Empire, UK, France, Canada, Australia, Italy, Japan, Portugal, US) and Central Powers: German, Austria-Hungarian, Ottoman Empire (Turkey), and Bulgaria. Led to WWII.
WWII (1939-1945)
Between Allies: Great Britain (Churchhill), USA (Roosevelt/Truman), Russia (Stalin), France (De Gaulle), China (Chiang Kai-shek). Axis Powers: Germany (Hitler), Italy (Mussolini), Japan (Hirohito). U.S. and USSR emerged as world superpower. Led to Cold war for 45 years. United Nations formed to prevent further global conflicts.
Korean War (1950-1953)
- Division in Korea (communist North and American occupied south) caused by WWII. Peach treaty signed at Panmunjom.
Civil Rights Act of 1964
Ended a 100 year quest by African Americans for racial equality. Outlawed racial segregation in US. Voided Jim Crow laws in southern states, prohibited racial discrimination in schools, public places, and places of employment.
Vietnam War (U.S. involved 1959-1975)
- Fought between communist North Vietnam and government South Vietnam. U.S supported south until 1973 until Congressed passed Case-Church Amendment for anti-war movement. N. Korea captured S. Korea Saigon (Fall of Saigon). Marked end of war and beginning of reunified Korea under communist rule.
Persian Gulf War (Aug. 1990-Feb. 1991)
Authorized by United Nations between Iraq and 34 Nations. Purpose to liberate Kuwait and expel Iraqi forces. Operation Desert Storm was USA name for land and air operations involved in war.
Alexander the Great
Kind of Macedonia in 336 B.C.; Conquered Persian Empire; Founded Alexandria in Egypt; created massive empire; Restored order to Ancient Greece.
Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543)
First astronomer to place sun at center of universe.
Galileo Galilei (1564-1642
Italian physicist, mathematician, astronomer, philosopher responsible for birth of modern science
Isaac Newton
defining gravity and laws of motion.
John Locke
British Enlightenment writer. Ideas influenced Dec. of Independence, state constitutions, US constitution. Believed people born with right of life, liberty, and property.
Tomas Jefferson
3rd President. A Founding Father. Played role in Louisiana Purchase and Lewis and Clark Expedition
Florida History
Initially inhabited by various tribes like Timicuan Named Florida by Juan Ponce de Leon in 1513 English, French, and Spanish established settlements during 1500s and 1600s St. Augustine, founded by Spanish came to serve as the capitals British east and Spanish west colonies. Britain tried to develop Florida through importation of immigrants of Labor. Spain regained control after America Revolutionary war. 1845, Florida became 27th state in USA. Land intensely developed prior to Great Depression. Economy adversely effected by WWII
the study of Earth's surface, atmosphere, and people
6 Essential Elements of Geography
location, places and regions, physical systems, human systems, environment and society, uses of geography
Location (the world in spatial terms)
Relative or absolute. Spatial terms reference organization of people and places.
Vertical and horizontal lines on map
Prime Meridian
Vertical, imaginary line that divides the Earth into eastern and western halves. Runs through Greenwich England.
International Date Line
Where the date officially changes each day.
Northern and southern halves of the Earth
Items on map are drawn to size.
Representations of real things on a map
(key) explains symbols, colors, lines...
Compass Rose
N, S, E, W, NE, NW, SE, SW
Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, Artic, Southern (2000)
Relief Map
Show shape of land's surface; provide detail through color
Thematic map
Show specific subjects/topics (human, climate animal pop.)
Political map
Show governmental boundaries of countries, states, countries. Identify major cities and significant bodies of water.
Physical maps
Show country borders, major cities, water, deserts, mountains, plains
A wide ranging geographic area containing similar features. (caverns, deltas, deserts, hill, plateaus)
Continental drift
Theory of plate tectonics. Refers to movement of Earth's crust over time.
Branch of science concerned with the wellbeing of society; study of human populations interested in analyzing changes in size, movement, crime rates, education levels...
The agency in which a governing body functions and exercises authority.
Government by the people. Provides for equality and inalienable rights for citizens. Citizens elect officials to make important decisions on their behalves. Responsible for administering justice, education systems, maintaining roads, statistics about society, overseeing national defense. Local/State/Federal levels of government.
Leader of local government. Works with city council.
Leader of state government. Works with state senators of Senate and state representatives of House of Representatives
Legislative - Congress
Comprised of the Senate and House of Representatives; established by Article I of Constitution
Judicial - Supreme Court
Can determine established laws to be unconstitutional; led by supreme court justices appointed by President. Article III
Led by President and Vice President; leads country and military. Appoints justices; can veto rulings made by congress; Article II
Secretary of State
(appointed by P) and National Security Council advises P on foreign policy.
(Executive Brach members) reside in other countries to lobby for US in international meetings.
Magna Carta 1215
-England 1st modern document to limit powers of gov.
o U.S. District Courts
Trial courts; each state has at least 1 district court; hears nearly all categories of federal cases. 94 judicial districts
Supreme Court
Highest court of appeals in US; established Article III, Section I of US constitution. 1 chief justice and 8 associate justices appointed by president. Power of Judicial Review
• State Courts
Each state has own system of courts. Limited jurisdiction and hear minor cases.
Electoral College
established by Article II in US Constitution in 1787. Part of Checks and Balances system.
Electoral College
Gives equal weight to states with smaller populations and assist voters in making informed decisions regarding highest elected officials.
Electoral College
Body of elected reps (electors) chosen by voters in each state
Electoral College
Electors pledge to vote for the candidate of their party based on pop. vote.
Electoral College
Meet after citizen vote; cast ballots based on the public vote for P and VP
Electoral College
2009 538 electors in US. 270 electoral votes required to win.
Electoral College
States assigned a number of electoral votes based on number of senators and representatives. Florida 2 senators/25 reps. 27 electoral votes.
Civic education/citizen education
Understand certain rights as citizens and particular responsibilities as well.
Preamble, 7 articles, 27 amendments
Article I
Legislative Branch; 9 sections
Article II
Executive Branch; 4 sections
Article III
Judicial Branch; 3 sections
Article IV
The States; 4 sections
Article V
Article VI
Supreme Law, Oaths of Office and Debts
Article VII
Approving the Constitution
Bill of Rights
(Amendments) First 10 amendments of Constitution
5 freedoms: religion, speech, press, assembly, petition
Keep and bear arms
Do not have to provide housing to soldiers during peacetime
Right to privacy
Right to due process of the law
Right to public and speedy trial in front of impartial jury
Civil lawsuits (property/money) right to jury trial
No cruel and unusual punishment and should fit crime
Citizens have other rights not stated in Bill of Rights
Limits gov. to only powers provided in US Constitution
The science that deals with the production, consumption, and distribution of goods and services.
USA is mixed (market) economy
Gov. and private business
Human Resource
A person used to accomplish a goal.
Capital resources
any asset used in the production of goods and services
Free enterprise
Emphasizes private ownership; supply and demand
Fiscal Policy
Government spending policies that affect interest rates, tax rates, and government spending; policies aid in government control of economy.
GDP Gross Domestic Product
- total monetary value of all goods and services produced in a nation during a specific time frame.
A persistent, general increase in prices of time
High rate of inflation accompanied by rising unemployment
Slowing of economic activity
Long-lasting recession
Insufficient supply or shortage of goods and services affected by consumer making decisions.
Economic Institutions
Organizations created to pursue particular endeavors
Depository; financial institution
Credit Union
Depository; financial institution; establishment owned, controlled, operated by its members. Provides financial services like commercial banks. Lower interests rates.
Stock Market
Place where stocks and bonds are exchanged. Stock exchange: New York Stock Exchange, National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations (NASDAQ).
Federal Reserve Banks
Central bank of US federal banking system. Located in each 12 districts. Involved in setting of national monetary policy.
Government agency
National Council of Social Studies
National Geographic
Story mapping
history frames or sequence of event charts
Instructional Resources, Methods, and Assessment
o Anticipation guides, double-entry journals, K-W-L chats (assessment tool), 5-W+H Charts (Who, what, when, where, why, how), Semantic feature analysis charts, graphic organizers, learning logs, field trips, learning centers, digital media