First election
Articles of confederation
Horrible Lasted 10 years 1 house body with each state having 1 vote needing 9/13 votes Congress could declare war, conduct foreign affairs, and make treaties Yes coin money, no taxes Amending = unanimous Weak government Needed taxes to pay off debt
Indians surrender land north of this
Northwest ordinance 1787
Create 5 new states along Ohio and Mississippi Acknowledged Indian claim to land Outlawed slavery in all states
Shays rebellion
Farmers kill courts to stop farms from foreclosing after needing to pay taxes for war debts Too much Liberty in lower classes can threaten Liberty
Anapolis meeting to begin changing AOC
1787 comfortingly convention
Philly Wrote constitution Written by 55 men Wanted stronger national government
Alexander Hamilton
Strong government supporter Wanted life terms for president and senate Supported guns
Electoral college
538 votes Can elect person who did not win majority of votes
VA plN
2 house legislature w representation on population James madison
NJ plan
Single house = representation
Great comrpomize
Sherman House and senate
3/5 compromise
Determining population Blacks = 3/5 of a person
Fugitive slave clause
Escaped slaves need be returned even in states where slavery is illegal
God meant authority rests in national and state governments Marble cake National government is limited and leaves rest of power to states
Marburg v Madison
Established judicial review
Separation of powers
Checks and balances etc
Senators were elected by
State legislature
Need 9/13 states for ratification
the federalist papers
John Jay Alexander Hamilton James Madison Support strong national government
Anti federalists
Usually commoners Like small government because they were poor Don't want only wealthy in power