Seven years war
Churchill called it the first world war Lasted for 9 years 1754-1763 About economics Governor of VA awarded land grant to Ohio company --> natives mad because it was their land Ohio company didn't recognize French land claims Led by GW Fort necessity abandoned Fort Duqane British take control of no via scotia but many die in expulsion British take Montreal
Key in 18th century Idea that government should regulate economy to increase power Increasing tariff and monopolies and trade balance Colonies produced raw materials and brought back finished goods from materials
Most important trade routes
Sugar and tobacco --> heavy on labour
Triangular trade
Between Europe, Africa, and colonies Trade of slaves Allowed for growth of society
Rival of English 1750 65,000 colonists Formed alliances along Ohio to dominate fur trade
Treaty of Paris 1763
Ended 7 years war Britain wins Brits get Canada and Florida from Spain France get sugar islands --> more valuable Spain gets Cuba (sugar) and Philippines (close to China) Natives stuck with Brits and feel compelled to fight back to protect fur trade Lead to American revolution
Pontiacs rebellion
After 7 years war Indians revolt Failed to stop British but take Detroit Nd kill many Convince them to slow settlements
Proclamation of 1763
Reserves west of Appalachian to Indians but British ignore it
more power to property owners Came out after war
Protect citizens natural rights John Locke = life Liberty property Give up Liberty for protection from government
Great awakening
Super religious Early 18th century New denominations Baptists Methodists etc More emphasis on experience of salvation and rebirth More emotional Partly lead to revolution More criticism of religious leaders
Johnathon edwards
Leader in awakening Shut down town in 1733 because of speech
Humans need only repent Believed salvation was in each person