When did the Barbarians conquer the city of Rome
476 CE
Who was the last emperor of Rome
Romulus Agustus
Romulus Agustus
Emperor reigning over the Western Roman Empire from 31 October AD 475 until 4 September AD 476.
Why did Rome fall
- The army was filled with foreign citizens who did not care about the empire as a whole, they were only loyal to their commanders - Civil war after every general who declared himself the emperor of Rome
What were the sartorial of the new general-emperors of Rome
- The most practical and most barbaric: pants
Where was the capital of the Eastern Roman Empire
A city on Bosporus Strait that Constantine would later rename Constantinople
What was the new religion that Constantine tried to re-orient in the East
Where and when was the first church council held
Nicaea in 325 CE
What was the new idea that came about relating to the empire and the church
The emperor had greater control over the church
What was the continuity when it came to entertainment
Justinian I or Justinian the Great
- Published his code of laws in 533 - Born a peasant somewhere in the Balkans and rose to become an emperor
When did Justinian become emperor of the Byzantine Empire, and how long did his rule last
- 527 - Ruled for almost 30 years
How did Justinian restore the glory of the Roman Empire
- Reconquered Carthage, Rome from the Goths (but not for long) - Responsible for the great church of all time, the Hagia Sophia
Hagia Sophia
- Also known as the Church of Saint Wisdom - Built as a Christian church, converted to a mosque in 1453 - Made into a museum in the middle of the 20th century
- Justinian's wife - Save her husband's rule by convincing him not to flee the city during riots between the blues and the greens - Also mentored a eunuch who went on to become a hugely important general
How did Theodora save her husband's rule during the riots between the blues and the greens
By convincing him not to flee the city
Blues and Greens (as a whole)
- Political factions in the Byzantine Empire in the 6th century -Took their names from two of the four colors worn by the circus charioteers - Their clashes were intensified by religious differences. - In 532 the two factions joined in the Nika revolt against Emperor Justinian I and Empress Theodora.
The Greens
- Represented Monophysitism and the lower classes
A Christian heresy of the 5th and 6th centuries that challenged the orthodox definition of the two natures (human and divine) in Jesus and instead believed there was a single divine nature
The Blues
- Represented Orthodoxy and the Upper classes.
Nika Revolt
- Took place over the course of a week in Constantinople in AD 532 - It was the most violent riot in the history of Constantinople, with nearly half the city being burned or destroyed and tens of thousands of people killed.
What form of Christianity did the Byzantines follow
- Eastern Orthodox or sometimes - Greek Orthodox
What was the difference between the Western and Eastern Christianity
- In the West there was a Pope and in the East there was a Patriarch
- Head of the Roman Catholic Church - Serves as god's regent on earth and he doesn't answer to any secular ruler
Greek Orthodox Church. the head of any of the ancient sees of Alexandria, Antioch, Constantinople, or Jerusalem, and sometimes including other sees of chief cities.
Justinian Law Code (present time)
Continues to be the basis for much of civil law in Europe