A nurse is developing a substance abuse prevention program for adolescents. To address the needs of this population, the nurse should
help students develop skills for resisting peer pressure.
A home health nurse is scheduling visits for the day. Which of the following should the nurse plan to visit first?
A client who has diabetes mellitus and reports new erythema to the left foot
A nurse is performing a health risk appraisal on a client to determine education needs. Which of the following assessments should the nurse use to determine the client's nonmodifiable risk factors?
Family Genogram
A nurse manager is creating a disaster plan for a new facility and wants to coordinate with the community.The nurse should recognize that which of the following agencies is responsible for the development of a local disaster plan?
Office of Emergency Management
A nurse is developing an educational program about bioterrorism and smallpox. The nurse should include in the teaching to expect the smallpox rash to first appear in which of the following locations?
A hospice nurse is assessing a family's ability to care for a relative who has terminal cancer. Which of the following findings indicates a potential barrier to the family's ability to provide necessary care?
The primary wage earner in the family recently became unemployed.
A nurse has been granted funding to develop an education program that is specific to the local community. In what order should the nurse perform the following steps?
Identify Needs, Develop Objectives, Select educational Strategies, Provide Education
A home health nurse is reviewing laboratory values from a group of clients. Which of the following findings should be reported to the provider for evaluation?
PT 15 sec
A home health nurse is caring for a client who is 1 week postoperative following a hip arthroplasty. Which of the following statements by the client indicates an understanding of the teaching about his postoperative care?
"I should use an assistive device to retrieve items that are on the floor."
A nurse is evaluating safety issues within the local area. Which of the following would be the best source of information about local safety concerns?
Interviewing community members
A school nurse is providing education to the teacher of a school-age child who has newly diagnosed ADHD and is taking methylphenidate. Which of the following statements should the nurse include in the teaching?
Use reward and consequence system throughout the day.
A nurse is planning a community education program about transmission of tuberculosis. According to the epidemiological triangle, Mycobacterium tuberculosis is classified as which of the following?
A parish nurse's role includes which of the following?
Facilitating substance abuse support groups
A home health nurse is preparing a schedule before starting client visits. Which of the following clients should the nurse plan to visit first?
A client who has active pulmonary tuberculosis and is nonadherent to prescribed treatment
A nurse is caring for a client who has chronic kidney disease and notifies the nurse that he has decided to discontinue dialysis. Which of the following is an appropriate response by the nurse?
"What has changed to make you decide this?"
A nurse is giving a presentation on domestic abuse at a local community center. Which of the following should the nurse include in the teaching?
Child abuse is more common in homes where intimate partner abuse is present
A community health nurse is conducting a needs assessment of a community. Which of the following methods will yield direct data?
Informant Interviews
A community health nurse suspects an outbreak of scabies. Which of the following actions should the nurse take first?
Determine the incidence rate.
A nurse at a community health clinic is planning disease management strategies for clients who have osteoarthritis. Which of the following strategies should the nurse include in the plan of care?
Take a hot shower or bath daily.
A nurse is developing an educational program about intestinal parasitic disease for a child day care staff. Which of the following should the nurse emphasize to prevent transmission?
Wipe changing tables with dilute bleach solution between children.
Which of the following activities is an example of a nurse's role as a case manager?
Providing referral information to clients
Which of the following actions demonstrates a community health nurse functioning as an advocate?
Serving on a community task force for suicide prevention
A home health nurse is providing instruction to a female client who has multiple sclerosis and is being treated with mitoxantrone IV every 3 months. The nurse should instruct the client to report which of the following adverse effects to the provider immediately?
Sore Throat
A nurse is caring for a client who has stage IV pancreatic cancer and has received information regarding available treatment options. Which of the following is the responsibility of the nurse if the client chooses to forgo treatment and enter hospice care?
Make the hospice referral in accordance with the client's decision.
A community health nurse is reviewing plans for a health education program. Which of the following components should be a cause for concern?
Pamphlets are written at a 12th-grade level.
A school nurse is conducting hearing screening procedures in an elementary school. When performing the Rinne test, which of the following instructions should the nurse give to the students?
After I place this tuning fork behind your ear, tell me when you no longer hear the sound."
A student at a local high school is diagnosed with syphilis. Which of the following actions should the nurse take?
Report the case to the state health department.
A home health nurse is providing nutritional instructions to a client who has COPD and is malnourished. Which of the following instructions should the nurse include?
Use milk instead of water when making soup.
A nurse is providing discharge teaching to a client who has COPD and is returning home with intermittent oxygen therapy. Which of the following statements by the client indicates a need for further teaching?
"I can adjust the oxygen flow rate until I'm comfortable."
A community health nurse identifies an increase in the occurrence of osteoporosis-related fractures in women experiencing menopause. Which of the following primary prevention strategies should the nurse implement?
Encourage the women to participate in weight-bearing activities.
A community health nurse is providing anticipatory guidance to the mother of a preschooler. Which of the following statements by the mother indicates a need for further teaching?
"I should discourage my child from having an imaginary friend."
A nurse manager is observing a newly hired home health nurse conduct a cultural assessment. Which of the following questions by the newly hired nurse indicates the need for further teaching?
"What is your total household income?"
A community health nurse is discussing responsible behaviors with a client who has human papillomavirus (HPV). Which of the following are methods of transmission of HPV? (Select all that apply.)
Oral, Sexual
A nurse is caring for a client who has terminal lung cancer and is receiving hospice care. Which of the following statements indicates that the client is in the denial stage of the grief process?
I'm looking forward to my daughter's wedding next year."
A nurse in a prison infirmary is assessing a client who has been taking levothyroxine for the last 6 weeks. Which of the following findings is an adverse effect of this medication?
Heat Intolerance
A nurse at a local pediatric community clinic is prioritizing care for a group of clients. Which of the following clients should the nurse see first?
A child who is vomiting, febrile, and has developed a petechial rash.
A nurse is preparing a health education class that focuses on age-related health changes for older adults. Which of the following should the nurse include in the class?
Decreased Sensitivity to Pain
A nurse is teaching a client who is newly diagnosed with active pulmonary tuberculosis about disease transmission. Which of the following should the nurse include in the teaching?
Household members should take isoniazid (INH) for 6 to 12 months.
A home health nurse is evaluating a spouse's understanding of providing care to a client who is 6 weeks postoperative following a tracheostomy and was just discharged from a rehabilitation facility. Which of the following statements by the spouse indicates an understanding of the care?
I can use tap water to clean the inner cannula."
A school nurse is providing instruction to a parent and a child about the use of a prefilled epinephrine injector to treat an allergic reaction. Which of the following statements by the parent reflects a correct understanding of the teaching?
"My child should inject the medication into his outer thigh in the event of an allergic reaction."
Which of the following is an example of the utilitarian approach to ethical decision making?
A public health nurse examining potential negative consequences of proposed public policy
A public health nurse is providing education on how to prepare for an outbreak of avian influenza. Which of the following should the nurse include in the teaching?
Individuals should have a 2 week supply of food and water at home.
A client who has recently emigrated from another country states, "The health care system in my country was better and should be used everywhere." The nurse should recognize that the client is demonstrating which of the following?
A nurse has provided teaching to a client with newly diagnosed asthma who has been prescribed an inhaled corticosteroid and prednisone. Which of the following indicates an understanding of the teaching? (Select all that apply.)
Metered-dose inhaler, pace activities, avoid environmental triggers, take prednisone until prescription is completed
A home health nurse is caring for a client who began a prescription of captopril 2 weeks ago. The nurse should instruct the client to monitor for and report which of the following to the provider?
A nurse is working at a community health center. Which of the following nursing activities demonstrates a tertiary level of prevention?
Teaching a client with rheumatoid arthritis measures to prevent joint deformities
A nurse is providing immunizations for an infant in a clinic. Which of the following statements made by the infant's parent indicates a need for further teaching?
"I should reschedule my child's immunization if she has a cold."
When visiting a home care client with newly diagnosed tuberculosis, a nurse is approached by a neighbor who asks, "Is it true that my neighbor has TB?" Which of the following is the appropriate response by the nurse?
Do you have questions about tuberculosis?
A home care nurse visiting an older adult client notes that unwashed dishes are piled up and newspapers cover the front steps. Which of the following questions is appropriate for the nurse to ask the client to determine if he is socially isolated?
"How often do you have visitors come to see you?"
A community health nurse contributes to disaster preparedness by doing which of the following?
Organizing community-wide disaster drills