It is intrusive for teachers to try to find out things about the families with whom they work.
Part of being able to work effectively with families is being able to empathize with their situations.
The position statement on ___________________________ states that teachers must respond to their "knowledge of the social and cultural contexts in which children live."
developmentally appropriate practice
Teachers who are uncomfortable with others from diverse backgrounds should just find employment in situations where they will not have to interact with diversity.
One important approach for teachers working with diversity in individual families is to be __________________.
Identifying personal biases is essential for teachers to work effectively with diverse families.
Many teachers in small Midwestern towns will likely never encounter diversity in their schools.
Particular risk factors for poverty for families are
all of these answers: -low educational attainment -single parenthood -part-time or no employment
A key reason that families are different today than in the 1950s is
changes in women's roles
Stress is caused in many families today by
increased hours spent in work
Men and women today often delay marriage because of
economic pressures and need for education
A child-centered society implies that
more information about child development is available for parents
Most single-parent families are:
headed by mothers
_________________________ has been one factor that has decreased available support for many families.
__________________________________________ families are disproportionately represented among poor and single-mother-headed households.
African American and Latino???
The majority of women who become single mothers today are __________________ than age 20.
The Census Bureau defines family as "two or more people related through blood, marriage, or ________________ who share a common residence."
Two of the important roles played by parents include
parent as nurturer and parent as educator
The most effective style of parenting is
In the following list, find the country that does not have government financial support for paid maternity leave.
Many fathers in the United States today take little or no paternity leave because
the only leave available to them is unpaid
A warm, nurturing style of parenting promotes healthy
The most recent studies give clear evidence that infant child care is detrimental to healthy attachment formation.
Many low-income families may spend 25% of their income on child care.
Besides emotional support, a necessary component for early brain development includes ___________________________________.
Parent involvement is a comprehensive term that may include things as varied as parent education, parent volunteer assistance, and communication via newsletter.
Family Resource Centers are available in most communities to provide resources for poor parents.
Parental self-esteem is positively linked with their involvement in their children's schools.
Parents are involved in intervention programs only in the role of teachers.
Family involvement programs are mandated by
all Head Start programs
Family involvement includes
all of these answers: -inviting parents to volunteer in classrooms -communication methods -education on parenting and family issues
NCLB legislation gives parents:
all of these answers except choices about their children's schools if they don't like the neighborhood
Another professional mandate to work with families is offered in
the Code of Ethics
School-aged children don't need their parents' involvement as much as younger children do.
Teachers generally find that when parents get involved in the school they try to take over in an intrusive way.
When teachers become defensive, they may hide this fear behind a professional mask.
Identify the answer that is most appropriate: One important benefit for teachers who work closely with families is
increased effectiveness with children
Identify the answer that is most appropriate: Identify which of the following benefits for children was not discussed in this chapter.
help with sibling rivalry
Identify the answer that is most appropriate: One way that parents can support teachers is by
becoming an advocate with them
Identify the answer that is least appropriate. Barriers between teachers and parents may be caused by
issues concerning toilet training
Identify the answer that is least appropriate. Factors that may cause barriers between parents and teachers include
children's personalities
Parent handbooks are generally an expensive, poorly used item that could be dropped from the budget as unimportant.
The standards for professional teacher education programs should have no influence on teacher-family relations.
When administrators support family involvement with funding, staff training, and philosophy, partnerships are more successful.
Identify the least appropriate answer. Steps that can be taken to support family-teacher partnerships include
child care at parent meetings
Identify the least appropriate answer. Effective parent involvement programs have
fundraisers in which parents can participate
Identify the least appropriate answer. Effective communication includes
professional jargon
Identify the least appropriate answer. Parent handbooks that are helpful in supporting partnerships include
list of teacher birthdays
When teachers exhibit compassion, they put themselves in the position of another.
The standards for professional teacher education programs should have no influence on teacher-family relations.
Allotting only fifteen minutes per conference, as is the custom in many school systems, does not allow much time for substantive exchange of information.
Using lots of professional vocabulary and terminology serves to help parents see the teacher has professional expertise and therefore make it likely that the teacher's advice will be followed.
When parents do not accept the teacher's advice or suggestions, it indicates that they are indifferent to their child's welfare.
Identify the least appropriate answer. Preparing for a conference includes
planning to avoid parent interruptions
Identify the least appropriate answer. Pitfalls to avoid in conferences include
having siblings present
Identify the least appropriate answer. Active listening includes
waiting for speaker to finish before responding
Identify the least appropriate answer. A portfolio shared at a conference might include
notes of areas of concern to teacher
Identify the least appropriate answer. Successful conferences
allow the teachers to get all problems solved
Young children who show distress when starting new school situations indicate insecure attachment.
It is always better for parents to say quick good-byes and leave.
Easing-in schedules are often difficult for families and teachers to arrange, but very beneficial.
Parents who exhibit concern about their child's adjustment are probably overprotective.
One of the administrator's key roles is to help families decide if the school or program matches their philosophy and needs.
Identify answer that is least appropriate. Steps that may help children in beginning include
a visit to the classroom by themselves
Identify answer that is least appropriate. Parents should select schools or programs for their children on the basis of
cost and location
Identify answer that is least appropriate. When teachers work with young children who are having difficulties with separation, it is helpful to suggest that
parents leave quickly while the child is distracted
Identify answer that is least appropriate. Questionnaires may help parents feel that
programs are being intrusive
Identify answer that is least appropriate. Behaviors that teachers and parents might expect to see when children are adjusting to new settings include
attacking other children
Identify answer that is least appropriate. School-aged children may show their anxiety in a new school situation by:
forgetting their homework
The most helpful communication strategies are two-way, facilitating interaction between teachers and families.
Conversations when parents bring their children into classrooms are disruptive to classroom functioning and should be avoided.
Personal notes should be used only when teachers want to alert parents to problems.
Electronic communication is an easy and convenient method to communicate quickly with all families.
Most families do not have the time or interest to use traveling journals or other materials teachers might send home.
Identify the least appropriate answer. When parents do not regularly visit the classroom, the following methods for communication would be helpful.
bulletin boards
Identify the least appropriate answer. When teachers are trying to promote conversations, they can
suggest their coworker talk to parents, as they are too busy
Choose the least appropriate response. Teachers may be reluctant to have parents visit the classroom because
the school building is old and materials scarce
Choose the least appropriate response Children whose parents spend time in the classroom
feel some jealousy when their parents pay attention to other children
Choose the least appropriate response When parents accompany children on field trips
they should be compensated for their gas mileage
Choose the least appropriate response. Parents whose jobs do not allow them time to visit in their children's classrooms can
explain to their children that their boss won't let them come
Choose the least appropriate response. When parents visit the classroom, teachers are responsible for
keeping the noise level down
Many teachers do not welcome family members to the classroom because they do not want to feel under scrutiny.
Most children do not behave any differently when their parents visit the classroom.
Spending time in the classroom is a good way for parents to understand what goes on in a program or school.
Spending time in a classroom helps increase parental respect for what teachers do.
If parents do not respond to invitations to participate in classroom activities, it indicates indifference to the educational process.
Children see the value their parents place on education when they visit in the classroom.
Teachers who send out newsletters and e-mails must be sure that they check for _____________________________ to give a professional impression.
When teachers use electronic communication, such as Web sites, they must be careful of ____________________ issues.
Many parents and teachers unfortunately believe that conferences are only for when there are ______________.
Conversation may be facilitated when parents have the opportunity to ____________________________________ in the classroom beforehand.
______________________ refers to the technique of shifting from a negative perspective to a perspective that recognizes strengths.
When planning family activities, teachers should consider
family structures, family cultures, and family lifestyles????
LEAST APPROPRIATE: Well-known parent education programs include
Dialogs Involving Sibling Teaching and Relationships (DISTAR)
LEAST APPROPRIATE: Parent education focuses on
parents' roles as workers
LEAST APPROPRIATE: Effective parent education programs often include
information and lectures from the program administrator
LEAST APPROPRIATE: Assumptions underlying parent education include
parents learn best from experts
LEAST APPROPRIATE: Advantages to including parents on advisory councils include
savings on clerical personnel needed to keep records
LEAST APPROPRIATE: A teacher's community resource file might include information about
free movie passes
LEAST APPROPRIATE: Advocates do a variety of things to gain support, including
eporting businesses that have poor family policies
LEAST APPROPRIATE: Communities act as resources to schools and teachers by
offering store sites for bake sales
LEAST APPROPRIATE: The Family Medical Leave Act allows
mothers to take paid leave when they adopt a child
LEAST APPROPRIATE: Child care resource and referral agencies may
help parents choose quality child care???
LEAST APPROPRIATE: When cultural conflict exists between teachers and families
it is best to adhere firmly to all program policies
LEAST APPROPRIATE: When families cannot communicate well in English
teachers can send written instructions
LEAST APPROPRIATE: Culture determines
colors preferred by boys and girls
LEAST APPROPRIATE: Some of the information teachers should get to help support families' cultural traditions is
typical birthday presents
LEAST APPROPRIATE: Holidays that should be celebrated in every American classroom include those that
have always been enjoyed by the teacher and her family
The NAEYC Position Statement on Developmentally Appropriate Practice states that one of the kinds of knowledge needed for making decisions is knowledge of the social and cultural contexts in which children live.
Teachers who work with mostly white families who have lived in this country for generations do not have to concern themselves with culture.
One provision of the No Child Left Behind legislation is to strengthen accountability for schools and school systems.
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families is provided for one year to adolescents who give birth and need assistance before the mother must go to work.
Traditionally, parent education meetings at elementary schools have been held during the day.
LEAST APPROPRIATE: One thing teachers should know in situations involving divorce is
who filed for divorce
LEAST APPROPRIATE: Factors that contribute to children's adjustment after divorce include
amount of income in the home
LEAST APPROPRIATE: School-aged children experiencing divorce may exhibit
LEAST APPROPRIATE: Things teachers can do to support parents undergoing divorce include
reporting everything their spouse is doing
LEAST APPROPRIATE: When working with stepfamilies, teachers shouldhelp children talk about their "real" parents
help children talk about their "real" parents
LEAST APPROPRIATE: Parents' denial of their child's special needs may be shown by
breaking appointments for conferences
LEAST APPROPRIATE: Emotions experienced by many parents of children with disabilities include
LEAST APPROPRIATE: When working with parents of children with special needs, helpful teacher behaviors include
help parents research cause of disability
LEAST APPROPRIATE: Additional issues that affect adolescent mothers' ability to parent include
preoccupation with body image
LEAST APPROPRIATE: When there is disagreement over readiness for a child to move on to the next level of education,
the child should always be held back
LEAST APPROPRIATE: Hostility in parents may really be a mask for
genuine dislike of the teacher's personality
LEAST APPROPRIATE: An I-message consists of three parts:
an explanation of why the speaker needs attention to the problem
LEAST APPROPRIATE: When verbally attacked by a parent, a teacher should
argue back to protect himself/herself
LEAST APPROPRIATE: When asked to release a child to a noncustodial parent, a teacher should
release the child to the parent
LEAST APPROPRIATE: Pedagogical issues refer to issues related to children's growth patterns.
LEAST APPROPRIATE: Hostility may mask the anxieties that parents feel with teachers' reports or interpretations.