Jefferson became president in what year?
On March 4th, 1801
What helped him win the election?
The Constitution gave the southern voters a bonus which gave him more votes
Who broke the tie of Burr and Jeff?
The House of Representatives.

What was the Naturalization Act of 1802?
It took made the period of residence 5 years again. Brought things to how they were before the Alien and Sedition Acts.
What kind of tax did Jefferson get rid of?
The excise tax
T or F. Jefferson did not attack the Bank of the USA or repeal the Federalist tariff
What was the Judiciary Act of 1801? What did it create?
It was 1 of the last important laws passed by the Federalists. it created 16 new federal judgeships and other judicial offices.

Adams signed the acts on his last day in office.

When did Jefferson succeed in making a peace treaty with Tripoli?
In 1805 after 4 years of war.
In _____ the Spaniards, to pay debt, transfered the Louisiana region and New Orleans to the French.
In ____ Jefferson sent _____ & ______ to Paris to make a deal for no more than 10 million $.

1803. James Monroe and Robert Livingston
Who was the leader of the slave rebellion?
Toussiant L'overture
When was the Louisiana Purchase signed?
After the Louisiana Purchase Napoleon went to war with the _____. This made creating enemies with trade inevitable for the Americans.
The Embargo Act was passed in ____.

Why? What did it do?

1807. Because Jefferson thought that if America cut off it's exports the offending powers would be forced to agree and respect its rights. It forbade exports with any foreign country
In 1809 Madison became president. What Act was repealed this year?
The Embargo Act.
Who were the Shawnee Brothers? What did they do?
They were Tecumseh and The Prophet.

They had the concept of ownership and fought for their rightful land.

Fall of 1811 who fought the Prophet? What was this battle called?
William Henry Harrison, governor of Indiana Territory. Battle of Tippecanoe
T or F? Thomas Jefferson believed less people should vote.

He believed more should, not less.

Who was John Marshall?
Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.
When was the Marbury vs Madison case? What did it establish?
1803. It established that the supreme Court has the right of judicial review.
The French and British went to war.

French had control over the land and British over the sea. We wanted to take this opportunity for trading. To prevent war Jefferson passed the _____. British attacked American ships and after Jefferson avoided war by preventing trade with anywhere.

Embargo Act of 1807