The term prehistory refers to the period before... A.) The time before established settlements B.) The time before agriculture C.) The time before communication D.) The time before writing E.) The time before homo sapiens, Neanderthals, homo erectus, and australopithecus
D.) The time before writing
Homo Sapiens used superior knowledge, sophisticated tools, and language to do what? A.) To put a new beginning to the making of copper B.) To establish themselves as rulers of the universe C.) To exploit the natural world more efficiently than any other species D.) To restore society E.) To promote an imperialistic government
C.) To exploit the natural world more efficiently than any other species
How do most scholars believe that society was organized during the Paleolithic age? A.) Was characterized by the wealthy and the poor B.) Was characterized by social and gender equality C.) Was characterized by a patriarchal society D.) It was characterized by religious beliefs E.) Was characterized if you were healthy or not
B.) Was characterized by social and gender equality
With the development of languages, human beings were able to do what? A.) Accumulate knowledge and transmit it to future generations B.) They were able to suddenly transform themselves as a great economic power C.) They were able to walk D.) All of the above E.) None of the above
A.) Accumulate knowledge and transmit it to future generations
What do archeologists now believe is the most fundamental difference between the Neolithic age and the Paleolithic age? A.) Neolithic ages didn't have governmental stability, Paleolithic ages did B.) Neolithic ages didn't have a patriarchal society, Paleolithic ages did C.) Neolithic ages had agricultural methods of economy, Paleolithic ages had hunting and gathering methods D.) They have different human species E.) Paleolithic ages had agricultural methods of economy, Neolithic ages had hunting and gathering methods
C.) Neolithic ages had agricultural methods of economy, Paleolithic ages had hunting and gathering methods
What was one of the earliest known agricultural techniques? A.) Slash and burn cultivation B.) Jericho C.) Runoff control D.) Pesticide use E.) Fertilizer use by human feces
A.) Slash and burn cultivation
One of the earliest Neolithic settlements was.... , which was located at a freshwater oasis north of the dead sea and had a population of around two thousand A.) Mesopotamia B.) Memphis C.) Kalinga D.) Harrapa E.) Jericho
E.) Jericho
The earliest metal worked systematically by humans was what? A.) Bronze B.) Iron C.) Gold D.) Silver E.) Copper
E.) Copper
Who was the creator of the first empire in Mesopotamia? A.) Hammurabi B.) Sargon of Akkad C.) Augustus D.) Chandra Gupta E.) Kalinga
B.) Sargon of Akkad
What individual believed that the gods had chosen him to "promote the welfare of the people... (and) to cause justice to prevail the land? A.) Moses B.) Paul of Tarsus C.) Hammurabi D.) Julius Caesar E.) Sargon of Akkad
C.) Hammurabi
Who were the later Mesopotamian people who had built a large empire based on a powerful army with iron weapons and who made extensive use of terror ? A.) Hittites B.) Aryans C.) Harappans D.) Assyrians E.) Hyksos
D.) Assyrians
Mesopotamian metalworkers discovered that if they alloyed copper and tin they could produce what metal? A.) Iron B.) Bronze C.) Platinum D.)Gold E.) Silver
B.) Bronze
The Mesopotamian style of writing was known as what? A.) Cuneiform writing B.) Simplistic writing C.) Alphabetical writing D.) Symbol writing E.) None of the above, they couldn't write yet
A.) Cuneiform writing
Whose tradition was ethical Monotheism? A.) Brahmin with Hinduism B.) God C.) Moses and the Hebrews with Judaism D.) Hammurabi with his belief in many gods E.) The Buddha
C.) Moses and the Hebrews with Judaism
The original homeland of the Indo-European speakers was what? A.) Egypt B.) Japan C.) China D.) Russia and Ukraine E.) All of the above
D.) Russia and Ukraine
The most influential ancient Indo-European speakers were who? A.) Aryans B.) Assyrians C.) Menes D.) Hittites E.) Varna
D.) Hittites
Which of the following societies began the custom of embalming to preserve the body for its life after death? A.) Nubia B.) The Bantu C.) Harappan society D.) Mesopotamia E.) Egypt
E.) Egypt
Egypt was united around 3100 B.C.E by whom? A.) Menes B.) Medes C.) Hammurabi D.) The Bantu E.) Nubian peoples
A.) Menes
When were the largest Egyptian pyramids built? A.) The new kingdom B.) The middle kingdom C.) The old kingdom D.) Post ancient Egypt E.) None of the above
C.) The old kingdom
Around 3100 B.C.E., the conqueror Menes founded ..., a city that would serve as the capital for early Egypt. A.) Jericho B.) Memphis C.) Varna D.) Harappa E.) Cairo
B.) Memphis
Who were the Hyksos? A.) The wealthy people of the old kingdom B.) People from the first migrations of North America C.) Enemies of the Nubians D.) People of the New Kingdom E.) External invaders who brought the end to the middle kingdom
E.) External invaders who brought the end to the middle kingdom
When were the Egyptians the most imperialistic? A.) In the old kingdom B.) In the middle kingdom C.) In the new kingdom D.) When they were ruled by Menes E.) In prehistory
C.) In the new kingdom
Who was Hatshepsut? A.) A women who ruled Egypt as a pharaoh B.) The first pharaoh ever in Egypt C.) The king of Egypt in the middle kingdom D.) The leader of the women's rights in Egypt E.) All of the above
A.) A women who ruled Egypt as a pharoah
What was the earliest urban society in India? A.) Hammurabian Society B.) Memphis C.) Rome D.) Harappan Society E.) New Delhi
D.) Harappa
Why does much of the early Harappan history remain a mystery? A.) The remains are underwater B.) It was destroyed by Assyrians C.) They were destroyed by natural causes D.) They were stored at a mysterious site E.) None of the above
A.) The remains are underwater
What was Mohenjo-Daro? A.) The name of the time that Menes ruled B.) The Indian name for Mesopotamia C.) One of the popular Indo-European migrations D.) One of the two main cities of Harappan Society E.) The Indian caste system
D.) One of the two main cities of Harappan Society
Evidence relating to trade indicates that Harappan India traded with whom? A.) Egypt B.) Nubia C.) North America D.) China E.) Mesopotamia
E.) Mesopotamia
Who were the Aryans? A.) They were Indo-Europeans B.) The followers of Chandra Gupta C.) External invaders who used their military skills to take down Harappan Society D.) The people of the Xia Dynasty E.) Early nomadic settlers from the steppes
A.) They were Indo-Europeans
The Aryans referred to their social classes by what term? A.) Varna B.) Brahmin C.) Hinduism D.) The term Dao E.) Chu
A.) Varna
Put the early Varna in order from highest to lowest. A.) Kshatriyas, Shudras, Vaishyas, Brahmins B.) Shudras, Vaishyas, Kshatriyas, Brahmins C.) Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas, Shudras D.) Vaishyas, Shudras, Kshatriyas, Brahmins E.) Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Shudras, Vaishyas
C.) Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas, Shudras
Which river takes its name from loess soil? A.) Indus River B.) Yellow River C.) Nile River D.) Tigris River E.) Euphrates River
B.) Yellow River
Match the Early Societies with their rivers. A.) Mesopotamia- Tigris and Euphrates; Egypt- Nile; Harappan Society- Indus; China- Yellow River B.) Mesopotamia- Indus; China- Nile; Harappan Society- Yellow River; Egypt- Tigris and Euphrates C.) Mesopotamia- Yellow River; China- Tigris and Euphrates; Harappan Society- Nile; Egypt- Indus D.) Rome- Rome River; Greece- Greece River E.) None of the above
A.) Mesopotamia- Tigris and Euphrates; Egypt- Nile; Harappan Society- Indus; China- Yellow River
The first attempt to organize public life in China on a large scale occurred during what dynasty? A.) The Zhou dynasty B.) The Qin Dynasty C.) The Shang Dynasty D.) The Han Dynasty E.) The Xia Dynasty
E.) The Xia Dynasty
The Shang Rulers were strengthened by their control over the technological advantage of what material? A.) Iron B.) Bronze C.) Copper D.) Technology E.) Advanced weaponry
B.) Bronze
What was the mandate of heaven?
They allowed the ruler to serve as a line between heaven and Earth. It will used to justify the overthrow of a failing dynasty.
What was ritual bloodletting part crucial to Maya rituals?
It was associated with rain and agriculture
Because of the immense size of the Zhou state its emperors were forced to do what?
Rely on a decentralized government
What was the staple food of Mesoamerica?
What were the most characteristic artistic creations of the Olmec's?
Giant human heads, or Olmec heads
What destroyed the Olmec ceremonial centers of San Lorenzo and La Venta?
The Olmecs themselves
What was the Popol Vuh?
The Mayan creation myth that people were made of maize and water
Know the Persian empires chronologically.
Achaemenids, Seleucids, Parthians, and Sasanids
Who was the great founder of the Achaemenid Empire?
Cyrus the great
Who was the greatest ruler of the Achaemenid Empire?
What are Satrapies?
They are Persian administration and taxation districts ruled by satraps
Who were the Persian eyes and the ears the king?
Imperial spies
Darius picked up the idea of a standardized government issued coinage from who?
The Lydian's
What was the center of the Persian communications network?
The Persian royal roads
What happened at the battle of marathon?
The Persians lost and the Greeks won.
Who was Sima Qian?
He was the first great Chinese historian
The collection of Confucian sayings and teachings is known as what?
The Analects
Confucius believed that political and social harmony were based on what?
Human Relationships
The philosophy that criticized social activism and, instead, proposed a life of reflection and introspection was what?
The Daoist thinkers spoke of Wuwei, which stood for what?
Disengagement from the affairs of the world
What was the school of philosophical thought that returned order to China after the period of warring states?
Who was the first ruler to unify India?
Chandragupta Maurya
Who was Kautalya?
Chandragupta Maurya's main advisor
The harsh political philosophy of Chandragupta Maurya and Kautalya is recorded in what work?
The Arthashastra
The Mauryan empire Ashoka fought his bloodiest battle against whom?
The year 320 C.E. saw the creation of the Gupta dynasty by whom
Chandra Gupta
Describe the political structure of the ancient Greeks.
Where did distinction among the ancient Spartans came from?
Disciplined military talent
Athenian democracy was open to whom?
All male citizens
How did Athens advance under Pericles?
Athenian democracy reached its high point, Athens became the most sophisticated of the city-states, Athenian expansion and arrogance helped spark the Peloponnesian war, and Athens under went a massive building program.
Who won the Peloponnesian war?
Socrates believed that it was most important to understand what?
Human nature
According to legend, Rome was founded by whom?
During its early history, Rome was dominated by whom?
The Etruscans
In the early stages of the Roman republic the patricians elected two what?
Which group, in an effort to alleviate social tensions, was allowed to elect two and then later ten tribunes?
During the Punic wars, the Romans first fought the Carthaginians over the most important source of grain in the western Mediterranean. Where was it?
What were Latifundia?
They were enormous plantation worked by slaves.
After naming himself dictator in 46 B.C.E., what did Julius Caesar do?
Gave military veteran's land, launched massive building projects, extended Roman citizenship, and expanded the Senate.
Describe the government issued by Augustus Caesar.
It was a monarchy disguised as a republic.
The period known as the Pax Romana was started by whom?
The Romans had a long tradition of written law, stretching back to 449 B.C.E. and the creation of what?
The twelve tables
What are the foundations of Roman law?
Defendants are innocent until proven guilty , defendants can challenge their accusers in a court of law, judges can set aside laws that were inadequateable.
Who was the leading figure in the expansion of Christianity beyond Judaism?
Paul of Taursus
From 66 to 70 C.E., the Romans fought in a bloody war with who>
The jews, known as the diaspora
What was a key element in establishing trade across the Indian Ocean?
Understanding the monsoon winds