Lexington and Concord
1st Battle of Revolution. Colonists defeat British. British looking for weapons
Battle of Bunker Hill
British takes 3 times to seize/take hill
Thomas Jefferson
author of Declaration of Indepedence
Writs of Assistance
British use a search warrant to look for smuggled goods
Navigation Act
everything comes from ships to England
Baron de Montesquieu
separation of powers
Proclamation of 1763
lines were drawn by British. Colonists cant move west
lost battle of Revolution
term for colonists ready to fight at a minute notice(Militia)
Thomas Paine
wrote Common Sense. Pamphlet encouraging colonists to fight Britain
judge looks at court cases and makes ruling on earlier cases
French and Indian war
French and Indians vs British and colonists
William Pitt
British prime minister gets Indians on British side
Nathan Hale
spy Dutch teacher. Hanged by British
turning point of the Revolution
Sons of Liberty
Paul Revere
John Locke
believes that man has natural rights
Social Contract Theory
people give power to government
Intolerable Acts(Coercive Acts)
passed by Britain to punish after Boston Tea Party
Valley Forge
positive(helped train soldiers) and negative(winter and soldiers flee and die)
Thomas Preston
captain that supposedly told soldiers not to shoot at Boston Massacre
Salutary Neglect
British left the colonies alone and colonies prospered so British comeback
Thomas Hobbes
Thinks man is bad and need rules(laws) to control him
all men are created equal
Raul Revere
Midnight Ride. Warns leading to Lexington
Treaty of Paris
ends Revolution
Albany Plan of Union
Ben Franklin snake "join or die". colonists must unite to be successful
1st Continental Congress
want king to lighten up
2nd Continental Congress
form Continental army. George Washington as general. Thomas Jefferson writes Declaration of Independence
Declaration of Independence
letter explaining why they were going independent. list of grievances