The Virginia Company
Joint stock trading company that paid for Jamestown.
John Rolfe & Tobacco
He crossbread tobacco.
Powhatan Relations between 1607-1608
John Smith asked the Powhatan indians to provide food for the new colonists.
Powhatan Relations in 1609
600 new colonists arrived & the Powhatan indians became overwelmed & began to kill the colonists & destroy their farms.
Starving Time
By winter , conditions in Jamestown became really bad. Colonists were forced to eat roots , shoe leather , ect. Only 60 colonists survived.
House of Burgeses
The 1st representive body in America.
Bacon's Rebellion
A rebellion lead by Nathaniel Bacon with backcountry farmers to attack Native Americans in an attemp to gain more land. He ran the govener out of town.
Development of Slavery
Indians , Indensured servents & slaves.
Religious reasons for settlement of New England
The church was corrupt in England, some people wanted to fix it & others wanted to start a new church.
King Phillips War
Indians were deprived of thier land & livelihood.
Town Meetings
All men could meet & discuss issues.
Religious Tensions (Roger Williams & Anne Hutchinson)
Roger Williams: Wanted more relgious freedom. Anne Hutchinson: Was arrested for teaching the bible in her home & because she was a woman questioning the churches authority.
Half-Way Covenant
(The Puritans) A half membership in the church.
Salem Witch Trials
1629 outbreak of witchcraft accusations in a puritan village marked by an atmosphere of fear, hysteria & stress.
Loss of Massachusetts Charter
Made the king more $$ & the townspeople seperated from the church.
Dutch Settlement of New Amsterdam &The England Takeover
The Dutch settle in New Amsterdam (New York City) , Very Diverse. England takes over.
Settlement of Pennsylvania
Settled by William Penn, pacifist Quaker, religious freedom.
Reasons for French Settlement of Quebac
Fur trade. Settled by the french.
The theory that a country should sell more goods to other countries than it buys.
Trans-Atlantic Trade
Raw materials, finished goods & slaves.
Middle Passage
The middle portion of the triangular trade that brought African slaves to the Americas
Growth of The African Population Over Time
The african population grew over time.
African-American Culture
Comes from many different backrounds but always managed to keep the same culture. (Taught children by storys).
Benjamine Franklin as a symbol of social mobility & individulalism
He came from a rough past but quickly made his way to the top. (Rags to riches).
Enlightenment Ideas
Power for the people, overthrow, unjust rule, popular consent, equal rights, life, liberty and happiness
Significance of The Great Awakening
The Great Awakening was a period of rapid & dramatic religious revival.