reformer who wanted to abolish/end slavery
William Lloyd Garrison
1) one of the most forceful/famous voices for abolition 2) Quaker who opposed the use of violence to end slavery 3) He favored full political rights for all African Americans 4) Launched the newspaper-"The Liberator"
Frederick Douglass
1) most powerful speaker for abolitionism 2) born into slavery, but broke the law by learning to read
Harriet Tubman
escorted more than 300 people via the Underground Railroads, slave owners put up a reward of $40,000 for her capture
What solutions did the Antislavery Colonization Society propose to end slavery?
slavery rebellions, slaves getting transported to Liberia
Why did most African Americans reject society's goals?
they wanted privacy/wanted to keep the Underground Railroad a secret, didn't want to leave America
Which groups in the North were opposed to abolition? Why?
New England Antislavery Colonization Society, wanted to keep their jobs/needed them for the cotton gin-cotton gin was created by Eli Whitney
How might the concerns of these groups be calmed?
creating a law limiting the jobs free slaves can have
Prominent leaders such as _____(1)/________(2) opposed slavery. They believed slavery violated the basic principle of the __________(3) , "all men are created equal"
(1)-Alexander Hamilton (2)-Benjamin Franklin (3)-Decleration of Independence
Which state became the 1st state to pass a law that gradually eliminated slavery?
Congress outlawed slavery where?
the Northwest Territory
When_____ entered the Union, it became the 1st state to ban slavery.
What inspired further opposition to slavery?
the Second Great Awakening
Many people were influenced by who? This person condemned slavery, and was the most important preacher of the Second Great Awakening. Held the 1st of many religious revivals. They encouraged reform. People came to believe they had the power to improve themselves, they could also improve society.
Charles Finney
David Walker
published the Appeal: to the Coloured Citizens of the World. This pamphlet urged slaves to rebel for their freedom
The Underground Railroad
1) network of people (blacks/whites, northerners/ southerners) who secretly helped slaves reach freedom 2) Working for this was illegal/dangerous 3) Levi Coffin-Indiana Quaker who assisted more than 3,000 slaves.
Some Northerners opposed abolition because some northern textile mill owners & merchants relied on what produced by slave labor?
social reform
organized attempts to improve conditions of life
the idea that God has decided the fate of a person's soul even before birth
huge outdoor religious meetings
temperance movement
organized effort to end alcohol abuse/problems caused by it
total ban of the sale/consumption of alcohol
Dorthea Dix
MA schoolteacher;took up cause of prison reform, wanted to build new, more sanitary, & more humane prisons. Wanted to house individuals with mental illnesses seperate from those serving prison. Helped persuade MA legislature to fund a new mental hospital.
public schools
free schools supported by taxes
Horace Mann
from MA;took the lead in the education reform
What were the ideas of predestination & the doctrine of free will?
predestination-person's fate has been chosen doctrine-salvation was determined by a person's choices
How might the doctrine of free will promote democracy?
making someone's own decisions, republic will go down in destruction
Which reforms did Horace Mann convince the state of MA to make?
1) improving public schools 2) creating colleges to train teachers 3) raising salaries of teachers 4) lengthening school year
The expansion of _______ in the Age of Jackson encouraged reform.
Most states dropped what requirement for voting?
property owning/property related
Political parties developed a more open way of choosing what for President?
In the early ____, a new generation of ministers challenged traditional views.
What did these ministers preach?
that people's own actions determined their own salvation
What were stemmed from the book Utopia about a fictional, ideal society?
Utopian communities
Robert Owen founded a utopian community called what? It lasted how long?
New Harmony, 2 yrs.
What aimed at ending alcohol abuse/problems it created.
The Temperance Movement
1st American schools were set up for what?
religious purposes
In the early 1800s, which state was the only state to require public schools?
Where did wealthy children go to school? Poor children?
private schools, poor recieved no education
What did southern states prohibit slave owners to do?
teach their slaves to read/write
In the _____. free black children were hardly ever at the same school as white children.
Who was a Quaker teacher that opened a school for African American girls in CT.
Prudence Crandall
became the 1st state to admit African Americans to public schools.
Sojourner Truth
born into slavery in NY; became a powerful voice for women/enslaved African Americans; was illiterate and her words inspired people
Lucretia Mott
Quaker who spent years working in the antislavery movement
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
met Mott in London at an international antislavery convention then started their own after not being allowed to go in and having to wait outside of the room
women's suffrage
the right of women to vote
women's rights movement
organized effort to improve the political, legal, & economic status of women in American society
Susan B. Anthony
co-founded the National Woman Suffrage Association in 1869
What were the goals of the women's rights movement?
improve women's roles in society
How were the goals of the women's rights movement similar to/different from those of the abolitionist movement?
Similar: both wanted change Different: One was about women, another about slavery
Why was it considered more important for boys to get a good education instead of girls in the early 1800s?
boys had more career options than girls, girls were expected to do the domestic housework
How did the lack of equal educational oppertunities hurt women?
women didn't get their fair say in economic and political fields
What were the things that women could not do in 1820?
1) vote 2) serve on juries 3) attend college 4) enter into professions such as medicine/law 5) married women could not own property/keep their own wages
Most believed a woman's place was where?
the home
Women began to demand rights as what?
equal citizens
_______(1) met ________(2) at an international antislavery convention in London. Tried to attend a meeting/were told that women were not allowed
(1) Lucretia Mott (2) Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Mott and Stanton held a convention to advance women's rights. The convention was where?
Seneca Falls, NY
Stanton wrote a __________ based on the Decleration of Independence. It demanded full equality for women.
Decleration of Sentiments
What did this convention launch?
the women's rights movement in the U.S.
Susan B. Anthony joined together with Stanton & formed what?
the National Woman Suffrage Association in 1869
What did this movement demand?
the right of women to vote
What were now open to women?
some private schools, colleges, and careers
movement that sought to explore the relationship between humans/nature through emotions instead of reason
Ralph Waldo Emerson
leading transcendentalist who stressed individualism. Challenged people to use their "inner light" to guide their lives & improve society.
unique importance of each individual
Henry David Thoreau
took up Emerson's challenge of individualism, urged people to live simply. He believed that individuals should judge right & wrong for themselves. He encouraged civil disobedience.
civil disobedience
idea that people should peacefully disobey unjust laws if their consciences demand it
Herman Melville
later novelist that began to change the tone of American literature, fascinated with Pschycology and extreme emotion
Nathaniel Hawthorne
later novelist that began to change the tone of American literature, fascinated with Pschycology and extreme emotion
Louisa May Alcott
presented a gentler view of New England life;also published Little Women and The Scarlett Letter
Before 1800, what models influenced American writers & painters?
European styles & Romanticism
How did later works like The Scarlett Letter & the paintings of the Hudson River school reflect a change in American art & literature?
brought back emotions for nature
What did Henry David Thoreau mean by "civil disobedience"?
people rebelling/standing up for what they think is right
How did Thoreau's ideas influence Martin Luther King, Jr.?
both didn't believe in the use of violence
Washington Irving
wrote "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" and "Rip Van Winkle"
James Fenimore Cooper
wrote "The Deerslayer" and "The Last of the Mohicans"
artistic movement-placed greater value on nature, emotions, and imagination
American form of Romanticism-believed in a close link between humans/nature. Urged people to live simple and seek beauty, goodness, and truth within their own souls
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
based poems on American History such as "Paul Revere's Ride"
Walt Whitman
published Leaves of Grass, his poetry celebrated common people
_______(1)/_________(2) wrote poems that described & condemned the evils of slavery.
(1)-John Greenleaf Whittier (2)-Frances Watkins Harper
Thomas Cole
painted the Hudson River School which reflected the values of Romanticism. Sought to stir emotions by reproducing the beauty/power of nature
Popular songs
"Yankee Doodle" "Camptown Races" written by Stephen Foster "Old Folks at Home" written by Stephen Foster