increase in taxes to cover colonial wars which endanger trade; British Frontier policy; paper money banned; Stamp Act of 1765
British Frontier Policy
set up to prevent conflict with Native Americans, but hated by colonists; tried to solve by Proclamation of 1763
Proclamation of 1763
sets western limits for settlement; fails
Stamp Act of 1765
tax on nearly all printed material; hated by colonists
Sons of Liberty
a confrontational rebel colonist group
British reaction to protests
decrease colonists' freedom and autonomy; increase British presence
Boston Massacre
protesting increased British presence; 5 Americans die; increases outrage, and thus, even more resitrictions
center of rebellion
East India Company
gets a tea monopoly in America
Boston Tea Party
dumped tons of tea into Boston Harbor to protest EIC's tea monopoly
Continental Army
led by George Washington; not as good of an army as Britain, but had a better support and supply system; supported by France
"Common Sense" by Thomas Paine
gives arguments for independence that everyone can understand
Second Continental Congress
declares that USA will break away; creates Declaration of Independence
Declaration of Independence
USA breaks away from Britain
Iroquois Tribes
fight on both sides; Joseph Brant and the Mohawks
Joseph Brant
leads Mohawk tribe to fight for the British; very strong force, but beaten 1777, so they retreat to Canada
power before Declaration of Independence
many states have separate legislatures/gov'ts/constitutions
Articles of Confederation
basically Constitution draft one; one house legislature; fails
Constitutional Convention
1787 Philadelphia; Constitution created
Constitution 1789
relies heavily on Enlightenment; 3 branches; Bill of Rights; slavery continues but not fully supported
only small % of population has full rights; slavery continues; no women's rights
Treaty of Paris
settles revolution
not outlawed by Constitution cuz it was huge in the South; Philly=center of abolitionism