First Protestant Faith
The Book the Courtier: about noble- Renaissance
Christian Humanists
Reform Church, people to e more pious.
Christine de Pizan
City of Ladies- defended woman
Council of Trent
Catholic Response to reformation, reaffirmed Catholic faith, stopped sale of indulgences, and talked bad about Protestants
Greatest Christian Hummanist
Greatest effect on education
Started by Loyola
John Calvin and Luther's Beliefs
Differed on predestination believed by Calvin
Nintey-five Theses
Sale of indulgences
Peace of Augsburg
ended religious warfare in Germany and divided it up.
The Book the Courtier
The Canterbury tales
English Vernacular
da Vinci
inventor, artist, sculptor, painter, best Renaissance man, and also mainly math.
"Glorious Revolution"
England, William of Orange. No Bloodshed
Ruler holds absolute power (total)
Bourbon family
southern french kingdom and came to power, the line of the louis
Protestants in England inspired by Calvinist beliefs did not like the king's strong defense of the Church of England. They were members of the Church of England but wished to make the church more Protestant.
Oliver Cromwell
New Model Army, military genius. Set up a military dictatorship.
Thought he discovered a western passage, discovered america, died and thought he landed in India.
de Gama
Spices and money- ramped it up in India.
Edict of Nates
Full rights of Huguenots in France Recognized Catholicism as Frances official language.
James I of England
Started divine rights of kings
John Locke
Influenced American documents- life experiences determines if good or bad.
Louis XIV
Versaille- to hold court, to distract people with royal work.
17th century, economy, sold and silver to be profitable.
Middle Passage
part of triangular trade, africa to america.
Phillip II of Spain
Most Catholic King
Sugarcane plantations
African Americans brought over originally.
Toleration Act of 1689
Puritans, not Catholics for free public worship
Treaty of Tordesilias
Line of demarcation- east: Portugal and west: Spain, Portugal gets Brazil.
Cape of Good Hope
Explorers called west coast of Africa
Balance of trade
difference between a nations import and export/ want more exports
Rump Parliament
England, Oliver Cromwell, took everybody out of Parliament if you disagreed with him. It was made up of his loyal members.
Adam Smith
Laissez- faire
Father of Modern Rationalism "I think therefore I am"
Francis bacon
inductive reasoning
stuff in universe is not spirits, but made of matter
Isaac Newton
law of gravity, motion of universe; objects in it.
bill of rights
foundation for constitutional monarchy in England gave king limited rights
separation of powers and checks and balances
ptolemic theory
earth center of universe
believed in social contract- governed by the general will of the people
Treaty of Paris 1763
Great Britain became world's powerful colonial power; ends seven years war
Civil Constitution of the Clergy
elected by the people
Committee of Public Safety
Protect France from all foreigners
Girondins vs. Mountains
leave king alive and the other off with his head.
Louis XVI
Prisoner of Paris by women, did not agree with national Assembly's decrees.
Napoleonic Code
civil code, most important
brutal leader of CPS
without breeches, ordinary patriots, and not fine clothing
Tennis Court Oath
Vowed to meet until made a French Constitution
Three parts of Napoleon's grand empire
French Empire, dependent states, and allied states
Napoleon lost this battle
paid the taille
3rd estate only
National Convention
de-christianized- new calender
Overthrew directory
Napoleon's collapse
Survival of Great Britain and nationalism
Defeat Napoleon
Duke of Wellington
Russians defeated napoleon
Burned all the cities and ran away
Beginning of French Revolution
Vespucci explores america
Church Condemns Galileo
7 Years' War
95 Theses
October 31, 1517