
The Male Suppression of Female Power

Jean Rhys’ Wide Sargasso Sea is much more then an appropriation of the classic novel Jane Eyre. It evokes poignancy because it serves as a metaphor for female oppression in…

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Female Masculinity

Throughout the world, countries and cultures are struggling with the idea of queer. The problem is that the United States and many countries live with the concept of patriarchy. Patriarchy…

Male Female Relationships

In a male/female relationship it is said that both of them are doomed to understand each other. Its partially true because being different genders one will always think differently. There…

A Study of Female Sex Workers

Why we should not be a political or administrative leaders of a nation? and most of the corruption is for biological offspring, we don’t have such a problem and sincerely…

Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) In Africa

One of the controversial debates that have gained a lot of publicity on the world platform is the female ‘circumcision’ which is mostly referred to as Female Genital Cutting (FGC)….

Invading the Man Cave

Invading the Man Cave: Females Taking over Predominately Male Jobs In the 21st century women are now controlling monumental amounts of the world’s wealth, they care about their careers, and…

Child Sex Abuse Female Offenders

Child sexual abuse is forced, tricked, or coerced sexual behavior between a young person and an older person. Sexual abuse may consist of any one of the following acts: nudity,…

Canada: Female Poverty Prevails

Over the last decade, Canada has been characterized by the lowest poverty rates in the world. With 11. 7 percent of poor in average (CANSIM), Canada remains one of the…

Diversity Orginazition Worksheet

For many years the United States has changed a lot pertaining to womens right. Women have more rights then they did in the past. Although some don’t think there has…

Comparison Between Male and Female Writers

Writings during the post-Civil War period describe the New World or America as a place of prejudice and discrimination for the Black Americans. It was in this period when blacks…

Feminist Theology

Feminist theology is based on the idea of “not lord but brother”. Jesus Christ himself stepped outside of societies norms by befriending the outcasts of society, which included women. Women…

What Would Jesus Do

“What would Jesus do?” That was the question that still haunted Jasper Chase today and five years later after leaving the small town of Raymond. While sitting at the little…

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