Dictionaries give different answers to the question what is a paragraph. In a generalized form, an indent is the structural unit of a written text that reflects a distinct brainchild and is logically linked to the previous and subsequent paragraph in meaning and content. The main purpose of the indent is the dismemberment of the text in order to highlight its components, which makes it easier to perceive the message since it gives a "breather" when reading. The text that is not broken up into indents is perceived with difficulty.

The force of its influence on the reader falls, and difficulty in reading leads to loss of interest and blunting of attention.

Main Functions of a Paragraph

An indent as a kind of punctuation performs the following functions.
  • It formalizes the beginning of the thought and signals the end of the preceding one;
  • It executes an expressive-excretory function in the text;
  • It clarifies the compositional-syntactic structure of the text;
  • It participates in the rhythmic division of the text, which is linked with the semantic rhythm.
The main functions of indent division are as follows.

  • Logical and semantic function
  • Expressive and emotional function
  • Accentuation and excretory function
These functions can be combined completely or partially; especially this applies to the second and third one.There are logical and stylistic functions of the indent as a means of speech. With the help of indentation, the most important in the composition of the text of a group of sentences or individual sentences are highlighted. In the case of fiction text, they may contain the following elements.

  • A description of a new stage in the development of action;
  • Characterization of the new hero;
  • The appearance of a new topic;
  • Detailed description;
  • A retreat of an author;
  • The desire to transmit increased expression.
Thus, the division of the text into sentences-paragraphs can express the next features.
  • Dynamics, rapid change of events;
  • Can give a statement aphoristic character;
  • Can be a sign of the author's style.
The main reasons for the writer to use indent division are the following.

  • The novelty of information, a new micro theme;
  • Emotional allocation of detail;
  • The importance of the final information within this text;
  • Incompatibility of statements with consistent presentation of new information.
The division into indents in different types of text has a common logical and semantic basis, but there are specific differences in the use of the paragraph. This specificity is created by a different nature of the impact on the reader: for texts aimed only at intellectual perception, indications are constructed based on the thematic principle (the new indent reveals a new topic), for texts designed not only for intellectual but also for emotional perception expressive and excretory paragraphs with accents are suitable.At the same time, one should not forget about the purely subjective moment - the author's manner of organizing the text by means of indent division. The volume of the text between paragraphs is different for different authors, and it is explained by many reasons: the genre features of the work, its functional-style affiliation, stylistic tonality, the total volume of the work, its purpose, and author’s manner of presentation.

Main Types of Paragraphs

 There is the general classification:
  1. Sentences that contain the basic ideas of the text;
  2. Sentences containing new information in comparison with the previous sentence;
  3. Sentences containing repetitive information about the same person (s) and connected by remote communication;
  4. Sentences beginning with pronouns, not referring to the last noun in the previous sentence;
  5. Sentences coming after dialogue and polylog.
There are types of classical indents:
  1. Analytical-synthetic paragraph contains the analytical part (explanatory) in the first position, and the generalizing is in the second;
  2. Synthetic-analytical indentation begins with a generalizing, core phrase, the meaning of which is disclosed in subsequent sentences;
  3. The framework paragraph has a combined structure: the beginning points out the theme, then there is the explanatory part, and the indent ends with a generalizing phrase. The first and last statements lexically echo and, thus, the "closure" of the topic occurs.

There are such types of indents in a students’ essay.
  1. An introductory paragraph is intended for acquaintance with a theme of the composition or a problem of research. As a rule, this part contains a brief description of the main topic and ends with a thesis statement, which will be argued in the future.
  2. A body paragraph is the most important part of the composition.

    Here the author should fully disclose the topic of the work, in the case of the study, describe in detail all the processes and attach relevant notes and documents.

  3. The next type is supporting paragraphs. This kind of indent is closely intertwined with the previous one and is widely used in writing argumentative papers when it is necessary to support a certain perspective with the help of evidence.
  4. The concluding paragraph summarizes all the work.

    Here it is enough to say about one's conclusions; it is also allowed to give recommendations or express the personal opinion. This part should not contain new provisions.

See also about the different types of paragraphs that we recently wrote for you

Length of Indents

The answers to the question about the ideal length of a paragraph can be very different. Much depends on what it is written about, what the carrier of the text is, whether it is paper or electronic, in what conditions is it supposed to be read, what the target audience is.

However, on average, the size of the indentation for the past 200 years has gradually become smaller.If to answer a question how long is a paragraph in college, there some rules should be followed. If to go from the opposite, then the length of the indent should be more than four lines of printed text. Each separate paragraph should express and argue one thought. In any case, the length of each indentation will depend on the amount of work in the whole.

If this is a student's work, then five or six lines of printed text will be enough for one paragraph, but if it is a serious scientific work, then the paragraph will continue until a certain idea is fully justified.