In this undertaking have focused on the behaviour of people, the procedure of direction, the organisational context in which the procedure of direction takes topographic point, Organizational processes and the executing of work, Interaction with the external environment.


every organisation to be effectual must hold an organisational construction. But what is an organisational construction? It is the signifier of construction that determines the hierarchy and the coverage construction in the organisation. It is besides called organisational chart.

There are different types of organisation constructions that companies follow depending on a assortment of things it can be based on geographical parts, merchandises or hierarchy. To set it merely an organisational construction is a program that shows the organisation of work and the systematic agreement of work.

Types of Organizational Structures

There are different types of organisational constructions and a company should take the 1 that best suits their needs.A

Traditional Structures

These are the constructions that are based on functional division and sections.

These are the sort of constructions that follow the organisation 's regulations and processs to the T. they are characterized by holding precise authorization lines for all degrees in the direction. Under types of constructions under traditional constructions are:Line Structure - this is the sort of construction that has a really specific line of bid. The blessings and orders in this sort of construction come from top to bottom in a line. Hence the name line construction. This sort of construction is suited for smaller organisations like little accounting houses and jurisprudence offices.

This is the kind of construction that allows for easy determination devising, and besides really informal in nature. They have fewer sections, which makes the full organisation a really decentralised one.Line and Staff Structure - though line construction is suited for most organisations, particularly little 1s, it is non effectual for larger companies. This is where the line and staff organisational construction comes into drama. Line and construction combines the line construction where information and blessings come from top to bottom, with staff sections for support and specialisation. Line and staff organisational constructions are more centralised.

Directors of line and staff have authorization over their subsidiaries, but staff directors have no authorization over line directors and their subsidiaries. The determination doing process becomes slower in this type of organisational construction because of the beds and guidelines that are typical to it, and lets non bury the formality involved.

Divisional Structures

This is the sort of construction that is based on the different divisions in the organisation. These constructions can be farther divided into:Merchandise construction - a merchandise construction is based on forming employees and work on the footing of the different types of merchandises.

If the company produces three different types of merchandises, they will hold three different divisions for these merchandises.Market Structure - market construction is used to group employees on the footing of specific market the company sells in. a company could hold 3 different markets they use and harmonizing to this construction, each would be a separate division in the construction.Geographic construction - big organisations have offices at different topographic point, for illustration there could be a north zone, south zone, West and east zone.

The organisational construction would so follow a zonary part construction.Organizational civilization there is no individual definition for organisational civilization. The subject has been studied from a assortment of positions runing from subjects such as anthropology and sociology, to the applied subjects of organisational behaviour, direction scientific discipline, and organisational communicating.Definition of Organizational constructionThe specific aggregation of values and norms that are shared by people and groups in an organisation and that control the manner they interact with each other and with stakeholders outside the organisation

Undertaking 2

The relationship between organisational construction and civilization is farther complicated by the fact that the two are slightly similar, and surely interrelated.

Organizational construction is a mechanism through which attempt and work is coordinated with supervising to bring forth the consequences that are hoped for from organisational civilization.Organizational construction seems to be the conduits, the lines of authorization, the system set into topographic point through which persons can come together jointly in order to carry through the outlooks of the organisational civilization.The success of a company run intoing the ends of its organisational civilization is dependant on holding an effectual set up and clearly defined relationship between organisational construction and civilization. A good thought out and planned theoretical account that can clearly separate the relationship between organisational construction and organisational civilization will let for a more efficient directing of both employer and employee attempts towards the company 's ultimate ends.

One of the most of import facets in the relationship between organisational construction and civilization is to do certain that each single understands the full extent of duties and work expected out of them. Likewise, the workers and supervisors should besides cognize their restrictions, and so non hold to worry about issues that are beyond their range of outlooks.Extinguishing these concerns will assist to do the workers more efficient. When there is confusion, or any type of `` grey country, '' this hurts production and efficiency.

If there is a general misinterpretation of who and what a state of affairs entails, or even worse, multiple conflicting readings, so this is an illustration of a faulty relationship between organisational construction and civilization. There can non be an effectual organisational civilization without an organisational construction to let efficient work and attempt. Yet, the organisational construction is traveling to reflect the larger organisational civilization.Undertaking 3

State Trading Organization plc ( STO )

theA State Trading Organization STO is aA publicA company with 92.29 % of the portions owned by theA MaldivianA GovernmentA with the remainder 7.

71 % being held by the populace after the IPO a twosome of old ages ago. It is operated straight under the Ministry of Trade and Industries, and is controlled by aA board of directorsA headed by aA Chairman.


Our corporate mission is to do STO one the most advanced and expeditiously managed transnational companies in the part.


To go the most successful and the most expeditiously managed transnational company ( in the state ) that would do every person of the state proud by the twelvemonth 2014.

The organisation is divided into sections based on the maps when pull offing. This allows the organisation to heighten the efficiencies of these functional groups. As an illustration, take a package company.Software applied scientists will merely staff the full package development section. This manner, direction of this functional group becomes easy and effectual.

Functional constructions appear to be successful in big organisation that produces high volumes of merchandises at low costs. The low cost can be achieved by such companies due to the efficiencies within functional groups.In add-on to such advantages, there can be disadvantage from an organisational position if the communicating between the functional groups is non effectual. In this instance, organisation may happen it hard to accomplish some organisational aims at the terminal.Our work in supplying a contributing and pleasantwork environment for the staff besides continued ata greater gait, new investing in engineering,Infrastructure, equipment and machinery weremade in order to enable staff to work expeditiouslywith lesser work burden and lesser work relatedemphasis.

Staff trainings including in-house preparationplans, short-run preparation and long-runTraining, both locally and overseas were besidesConducted in order to better the accomplishments andKnowledge of our staff members. It is besides aPleasure to observe that staff will be paid an one-yearBonus for the acknowledgment of their difficult work duringThe twelvemonth ended 2011. A sum of 3 % of the netNet income of 2011 will be paid out to the staff basedon their public presentation and part to theCompanyChairmanBoard of DirectorsPull offing Director

Executive Team

General Managers of Respective Departments

Senior Management Team

Respective departments/outlets/Business unite

Other Staff

Respective departments/outlets/Business unit

The Coca-cola Company

The coca-cola company is the universes largest drink company. The American multination company, Coca-cola was established in United provinces by Sunil Kumar Jha in 1982.

.More than 200 states enjoy the,500 trade names of drinks produced by The coca Cola company. Now the company have employed about 98,400 workers

Our Mission

Our Roadmap starts with our mission, which is digesting. It declares our intent as a company and serves as the criterion against which we weigh our actions and determinations.

Our Vision

Our vision serves as the model for our Roadmap and ushers every facet of our concern by depicting what we need to carry through in order to go on accomplishing sustainable, choice growing.The coca-cola Zero has been one of the most successful merchandise of the coca Cola company.With the success throughout the old ages, Coca-cola are now bring forthing 6 sorts of drinks. Such asEnergy Drinks ( such as Burn, Rehab and Tab )Juices/ Juice drinks ( such as Minute amah and Bright & A ; early )Tea and Cofee ( Such as Honest tea and Georgia )Water ( such as Vio and Vitamin Water )Sports drinks ( such as Fuze and Powerade Zero )Soft drinks ( such as Coke, Fanta and fairy ) brands_softdrinks.jpgbrands_juices.

jpgbrands_energy.jpgEnergy Drinks Juices/Juice drinks Soft Drinksbrands_water.jpgbrands_teacoffee.jpgbrands_sports-drinks.

jpgSports Drinks Tea And Cofee WaterOrganizational Structure and Culture of the Coca-cola CompanyFunctional Structure of the Coca Cola Company

Euroasia & A ; Africa group


Board Of Directors

McDonald 's Division

Europe Group

Bottling investing group

Pacific Group

Latin America group

North America group

Coca-cola Refreshments

Senior Vice President, Global Business and Technology Servicess

Senior Vice President and

Chief Peoples Officer

Senior Vice President, A

Chief Public Affairs and

Communicationss Officer

Senior Vice President andA

General Counsel

Senior Vice President,

Global Community Connections

Senior Vice President,

Global Community Connections

Executive Vice President and

Chief Administrative Military officer

Executive Vice President and

Chief Financial Officer

Executive Vice President and

Chief Financial Officer

Divisional Structure Of Coca Cola company

The coca-cola Have a separate international division construction because its staffs work individually in insularity with the caput office.Coca-cola company has 5 Continental divisionsEuro Asia & A ; Africa GroupEurope GroupLatin America GroupNorth America GroupPacific group


Corporate Staff







Pacific Group

North America group

Latin America Group

Europe Group

Euroasia & A ; Africa group


There are many of import things which I learned in this topic, Organizations and behaviour. All the information collected were read over and over once more and been put up by ain words in this assignment study.This clearly indicates the importance of Organization and behaviour in an organisation in order to accomplish its aims.

The companies which were selected to make this assignment are taking pudding stones within the state and this besides indicates why they have been able to mount the ladder in the local market since they started as babies in the market.