When you want to buy an item in any of the above categories you just click on the "Buy" button which adds the item(s) to you shopping basket. When you click on a one of the fifteen categories then the advertisements on the left/right side of the page will show related items to the category you are browsing through.

 Product Information You can view more information about the product by clicking on the "More Details" icon which is located next to the product you are interested in.The product will automatically show the following information: the name of the product, play.com's price, Recommended Retail Price, availability, how long it will take to be dispatched and how much money you will save. This is the basic information more Information such as for example if you're looking at a DVD, can be seen about the DVD are the actors in it, the certificate rating, if the film has subtitles and the duration of the film.This is a screen shot of a DVD showing customers information. Techniques used to engage customers In order to make sales and revenue play.

com needs to have customers and keep its customers for as long as possible, it needs to attract customers and engage, retain and entice its customers. if play.com provides good products with good prices it will gain a reputation and more customers will buy from them, so it is important that play.com listen to its customers and provides them with a service which they won't get elsewhere.

To do this it needs to engage its customers and there are a lot of different ways in which this can be accomplished. Sales the first thing which engages a customer is play.com's big red banner this is an eye-catching poster which will attract the customers.This will hopefully make the customers stay and browse around, it has links to all the major categories with sales and you could save up to 80% which again entices the customer.

Also play.com states how much money a person may save if they buy it this may engage the customers as they think they're getting a good deal and they might purchase that item as well as other items, the print screen below shows how much someone would save, the price is compared with the RRP.Play.com provides FREE DELIVERY which will engage customers, all of play.com's items are delivered free around the world, most well known transactional website's charge for delivery which may put customers off, but play.

com can attract customers, Play.com is a very big site and browsing for just the one item through the whole site may be frustrating and time consuming, but customers might be engaged through the search facility which speeds up the searching and save time.Usability ; Accessibility the site accessible and easy to navigate within, there is trouble in reading the writing the text size should be bigger for people who have sight problems, the website does at sometimes feel a bit overcrowded and it does give a headache looking at so much in a small amount of space. To solve this problem the website should have a zoom button to make the text size bigger and more space should be left and the structure of the site should be spread out. The accessibility is good as you can access the site without any trouble and the search facility makes it easier to navigate you way around. The links on the site all work and all the animations and pictures work and show up.

Also the menu bar at the top of the page helps the customers find their way around the site.Conclusion Overall I think most of my influences for supplies for salons will come from play.com but I will add numerous items from Amazon as well, such as the basket function this way, I will get the best out of both of these successful websites without having to choose just one. As well as that play.

com has a variety of products on sale which makes it easier for shoppers as they don't have to go elsewhere to shop, it provided the customers with the appropriate information the structure is good but sometimes the website feels a bit overcrowded there's so much to look at in just a small section, all the links and pages worked as well as the pictures and customers won't get lost as the heading bar at the top was the best way of getting around.Colours The colours where engaging and attracted the customers attention, the big red banner at the begging of the site enticed customers. The main colours blue, orange and red were very appealing as they stood out. The text was clear and easy to read but for people who have sight problems I think that the size of the text was too small and would not been able to be read there was no help in this problem and this may put customers off in visiting the site.Multimedia there were a lot of multimedia components such as pictures which were necessary as the customers needed to see what they were purchasing, flash animation stood out which was at the top of the page the Free Delivery icon was an animation and some of the advertisements on the left/right hand side columns where mini clips, videos and sounds would have greatly enhanced the interactivity of the site.Navigation navigation was very easy as the menu bar at the top and the search facility helped the customer find his way around the site if the customer ever got lost all he/she would need to do is just click on the play.

com icon winch was located on the top left hand side of the site and that would have re-directed you to the home page this is quite common amongst lots of website's as most website's have linked every logo on every page where there logo appears so that people visiting the site don't get lost.Consistency ; Accessibility The site was consistent with its colours and layout throughout the site this never changed which mad the site much easier to navigate around. accessibility the site was very easy to access it could be accessed through a number of search engines including Google which made it easier just in case someone forgot the web address. Summary Browsing the site is very easy everything is set out in an appropriate layout and the search facility on the site helps you find products easily.

It is very complex in reading the site as everything is squeezed in together and there is so much to look out on each page. The menu bar at the top of the page is a good way of getting around the site it's always at the top so you won't get lost.