
* Be sure to include all steps and arrange them in sequence. * Explain why each step is necessary, and include warnings where appropriate.

* Define any terms that your readers may not be familiar with. * Offer clear descriptions of any tools or materials needed to carry out the process. * Provide your readers with a way of determining whether or not the process has been carried out successfully. Fifty Topic Suggestions: Process Analysis 1 .

How to lose weight without losing your mind 2. How to win at Texas hold 'me 3. How to choose a major 4. How to find the perfect roommate 5.

How to get rid of a roommate--walkout committing a crime (or flunk out of) college 7. How to pitch a knuckleball 8. How to plan the perfect party 9. How to survive a night of babysitting 10.

How to pitch a tent in the rain 1 1 . How to housebreak your dog 12. How to kick a bad habit 13. How to overcome Insomnia 14. How to stay sober on a Saturday night 15.

How to rent your first apartment 16. How to avoid a nervous breakdown during exams 17. How to enjoy the weekend for under $20 18. How to make the perfect brownies 19. How to keep peace with a spouse or a roommate 20.

How to bathe a cat 1 .How to complain effectively 22. How to survive a recession 23. How to toilet train a baby 24.

How to develop self-confidence 25. How to use Twitter 26. How to wash a sweater 27. How to build a great music collection--cheaply and legally 6. How to succeed in 28. How to get along with an Instructor without sucking up 29.

How to give yourself a haircut 30. How to plan the perfect class schedule 31 . How to apply the Hellcat maneuver 32. How to end a relationship 33.

How to select the best portable media player 34. How to take decent photographs with your cell phone 35. How to quit smoking 6.How to survive without a car 37 How to make the perfect cup to tea 38.

How to save money while saving the environment 39. How to build a great sandcastle 40. How to edit a video 41 . How to make (and keep) friends on Faceable 42. How to insert a contact lens 43. How teachers make up exams 44.

How parents (or children) make us feel guilty 45. How an pod works 46. How ice cream is made 47. How a cell phone takes pictures 48.

How a magician saws a woman in half 49. How a pocket calculator works http://college. Homo. Com/instructors/catalog/walkout's/PDF/0618144099_noun. PDF