The first Sermon of Buddha represents the basic beliefs of Buddhism.

In this seer moon Buddha shares four noble truths, that tell us how to end suffering In the life, end the cycle of rebirth and become "the enlightened one". In the words of the Buddha, the third truth reads, "This, O monks, Is the sacred try HTH of the extinction of suffering: the extinction of this thirst by complete annihilation of desire, eating It go, expelling it, separating oneself from It, Glenn It no room. In other words, people's desires lead to suffering, and to extinct the suffering, we need to stop craving things that are not necessary for our living. This is called "The Middle Pa the", which Buddhists believe is the one that will lead them to the enlightenment. Our dies devour our soul, our life, and most of the time we get dissatisfied, because we didn't get what we wanted which leads us to suffering.

And to stop it, you simply have to let go your d series.I find this advice useful because my experience showed me that what we need Is not necessarily what we want; when I was 10, I had a close friend my age. I remember on CE that her parents refused to buy her a new Jacket she saw in the store. She became green with rage, started shouting and whining; something that a little kid would do.

Only she WA isn't little kid. She wasn't 4 or 5 year old kid who doesn't understand that you cannot get everything oh want.I remember she stopped talking to anybody for the almost a month, and w hen she did, she was complaining that her life Is hopeless and no one cares about her. Events ally, she became better and forgot about this Jacket, but of course, after that she got new desire sees! That's why I know that every time you crave things, you get dissatisfied because you might not get them. In conclusion, Buddhism contains a lot of If we follow them, our life woo old become better and easier.