Make a list of associations you have with the word “grammar” (They may not all be negative!)






Look at the following sentences and decide which are correct. Write a correct version of the examples that are incorrect.

1. We’ve been looking for you for ages: Correct.

2. I’ve been to the movies last night: Incorrect. Correction: I went to the movies last night

3. He often come late: Incorrect. Correction: He often comes late.

4. They were waiting by the fountain. Correct.

5. Can I have a coffee black please? Incorrect. Correction: Can I have a black coffee please?

6. People with 12 items or less can queue here. Incorrect. Correction: People with 12 items or fewer can queue here. Task 8

Provide a list of reasons why English language teachers need to know about grammar. In doing so, try to give some thought to the learners’ perspective.

It is imperative that a teacher has a sound understanding of the subject matter that is being delivered, if a student produces material or spoken language that is incorrect the teacher has to have the ability to not only give a correct version, but also to explain clearly and concisely to the student and class why the original material given by the student was incorrect, this is of course only possible if the teachers own knowledge is complete and accurate, the teacher should be able to provide an efficient and thorough explanation and deliver accurate guidance.

In addition to the above we must also take in to consideration the learner’s expectations of the teacher, the student expects that the teacher has a good, thorough knowledge of the subject that he or she is delivering. It is important to remember that from the student’s perspective, he or she may very well have paid a fee for the tuition and therefore expects the very highest standards from the teacher and learning provider.