I went to the first super bowl game yesterday. I had a time machine so I could go. I saw the big stadium. I got some popcorn from the popcorn machine. The fans got ready to see Kansas go against Green Bay.

The cheerleaders got warmed up. I sat on the front row. I drank my coke, the coke bottles looked different. The national anthem played and I sang along. The game started and cheered for Green Bay. FRR Jew Isis all© ¤ la premier©re Super Bowl hire.

Java's nun machine De temps pour queue Jew guise lealer. Jay v lee grand state.Jay eh sequels pop-corn De la machine ¤ pop- corn. Less fans onto PU pr©t ¤ over Kansas lealer centre Green Bay. Less pomp-pomp girls SE soon ©chaff©s. Jew me Isis oasis sure la premiere rang©e.

Jay buy moon coke, less bottles De coca onto seems© dif©rent. Laymen national Joy© et Jay chant©. Lee Jew a commence© et applauds pour Green Bay. FUTURE SIMPLE -FRR Domain, Grain ¤ Toronto. Jew appropriate mess amiss. Nouns apportions becloud dragnet a depended pour la nurture, des betterments et tout! Nouns sermons impatient debonair De nouveau v©tenements en vent.

Unsuited, nouns regression UN film gnome "The Purge". Unsuited, nouns irons AU circuit De course. Par©s cell, nouns irons manger des aliments d©Lucille et oftener retort De la mansion. ENG Tomorrow, I will go to Toronto.

I will bring my friends too. We will bring a lot of money to spend on food, clothes and everything! We will be looking forward to getting new clothes on sale. Then we will watch a movie named "The Purge". Then we will go to the racing circuit. After that, we will go eat some delicious food and get a ride back home.