A transaction database Is optimized to track transactions In real time. Data mining uses business Intelligence tools and techniques on a variety of data sources brought together In a data warehouses.

6. TRUE The domain Is the focus or knowledge area off database. TRUE Interviews are good for asking open ended questions. Open ended question are questions that don't have fixed answers. 9.

FALSE Questionnaires are good for asking open ended questions. 10. TRUE Job shadowing is a good way to observe exceptions to the usual procedures and rules. A report requirement refers to the need to store data necessary to generate desired reports.

12. TRUE User access refers to what objects and data in a database a user has permissions to use. 13. TRUE update permission is the permission to make changes to the database.

14.TRUE Delete permission is the remission to remove records from database tables. 15. TRUE A business rule ;s a rule that covers how data are acquired, stored or processed. 16.

TRUE user access refers to what objects and data in a database a user has permissions to use. 17. TRUE Attributes are general headings and not the data itself. 18.

TRUE A candidate key is any attribute or combination of attributes that might make a primary key. 19. FALSE A natural key is a key that consists of one or more attributes that naturally belongs to the entity. 20. TRUE A composite key is a key that consists of a combination of two or more attributes.