Write a program to test if given string is a palindrome Write a program to print the given statement in the reverse order of words. (Apart: try the same without using any library function) What is Skeleton? Differentiate Inheritance and Composition 6 Write a program to test if two given strings are anagrams Program to replace all spaces with in a given string b) Write a program to find unique elements in a given array and print them. What is Runtime Polymorphism 10 C. Testing Difference between regression testing and retest ? What is difference between sanity testing and smoke testing ?Given a web service in an order mamanagementystem which fetches the list of orders Service is a REST Call with Post Method. Write all tests cases Write a test case for a form which has one date field and Submit button only Write test cases for LlLeftlevator (include functional, security etc) Test Cases for PC Keyboard D. UNIX DlODL Check Sum A checksum or hash sum is a fixed size datum computed from an arbitrary block of digital data for the purpose of detecting accidental errors that may have been introduced during its trtrainmcommissionr storage.

The integrity of the data can be checked at any later time by rerecompilinghe checksum a ndNDomparing it with the stored one. If the checksums match, the data were almost certainly not altered (either Checksum Utilities: a) ckchecksum ckchecksumest. txTxt038471 504 75 test. txTxt4038471 504" represents the checksum value. "75" represents the file size of test.

txTxtb)Bmdmediumdmediumile > file. mdModheck for validity with: mdmedium file. mdMod2DOSearch and Replace in UNIX : simply use : pePerli e 's/search_string/replace_string/g file_names 1.How to view specific lines of file without using tail or head ? Please note that this can be done through SeSeedseSeed 5,7pupeteststxTxthere 5,7 represents the range and tetestsxtExts the file name.

$ seSeed e 1,2pup 4puposometimetxTxthere e specifies the way to execute an expression. It will help us to extract multiple I inninesn a file.