Data mining

Data Mining & Music Industry

Bruce Haring, in his article “Datamining: Spam or Future of Music Business” appearing in states that “Bands are beginning to embrace the data-collection method…” and then poses the question,…

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Data Mining 8519

today’s business world, information about the customer is a necessity for abusinesses trying to maximize its profits. A new, and important, tool in gainingthis knowledge is Data Mining. Data Mining…

Credit Card Fraud Detection through Data Mining

Abstract– With the increasing fraudsters day to day, the fallacious transaction is rapidly growing thus making the frauds in this scenario a matter of high importance. Huge database patterns are…

Data Mining Analysis in Health Department

Data mining has been used intensively and appreciably in lots of fields of life. Likewise in healthcare, data mining is becoming more and more popular each day. Its extensive applications…

Data Warehouses & Data Mining

DATA WAREHOUSES & DATA MINING Term-Paper In Management Support System [pic] Submitted By:Submitted To: Chitransh NamanAnita Ma’am A22-JK903Lecturer 10900100MSS ABSTRACT :- Collection of integrated, subject-oriented, time-variant and non-volatile data in…

Data Mining Fundamentals

Data Mining DM Defined Is the analysis of (often large) observational data sets to find unsuspected relationships and to summarize the data in novel ways that are both understandable and…

Three Benefits of a Relational Database

When putting information in a relational database the possibilities for running reports from the tables that have been created in the database are endless. As long as the information is…

Review about Database Concepts

A transaction database Is optimized to track transactions In real time. Data mining uses business Intelligence tools and techniques on a variety of data sources brought together In a data…

Data Mining The Mushroom Database

The Mushroom Database” is focuses in the study of database or datasets of a mushroom. The purpose of the research is to broaden the preceding researches by administer new data…

Databases Maintains Information

Primary keys are critical because they provide a way of distinguishing each record in a table. I. E. Searching a customer by ID number , see figure 6. 10) Foreign…

Aricle about Database model

Due to the mass of data that revolves around us today, a systematic detainment’s system needs to be developed and implemented for organization and quick retrieval of important data. In…

What marketing opportunities does data mining provide?

Data mining can provide many different marketing opportunities. Data mining allows companies to establish and record customer characteristics and customer interactions. Customer characteristics can include demographic, psychographic and techno graphics…

The various databases

At the irrigation schemes, once the data obtained by the humidity sensors is evaluated and a drought alert issued, automated irrigator triggers shall set off sprinklers at desired intervals. These…

Data Mining Problems

While there are many placement options that we should consider, we decide to look for any correlations between the row a product is placed on and its sales. Since we…

Data warehouse

Data Mining is often considered to be the process of discovering new knowledge, which previously doesn’t exist. Thus, DM provides new ways of analyzing data, with different trends and patterns….

Data mining versus data base marketing

Data mining can be described as a tool enabling data base marketing. For a marketing manager however, all things not necessarily start at a data mining level. The marketing manager…

Data mining ethical concerns

Data mining is increasingly being used by companies so that they can get more information about their customers and analyze it so they can serve them better. Where data mining…

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