Who conquered the Inca?
Who conquered the Aztecs?
What things helped the Spanish conquer the Aztecs and Inca?
Disease and advanced weaponry
What were conquistadors?
Spanish soldiers and explorers who conquered and claimed new lands for the Spanish Empire.
Where were the largest number of slaves sent to in the new World? Which area got the least?
Most = Brazil Least = Caribbean Islands
Who imported the first slaves in to the New World?
Who was Metacom?
Native American Chief who changed his name to King Phillip & burned 54 villages in Massachusetts.
What was the Stono Rebellion?
Slave rebellion in Charleston, SC that led the creation of the Citadel.
Who was Edward Teach?
A pirate known as Blackbeard.
What is a privateer?
A person who robs & loots for personal gain, usually attacking ships with valuable goods.
Who is given credit for being the first captain to circumnavigate the globe?
What was the Columbian Exchange?
The exchanges of plants, animals, & disease between the eastern & western hemispheres.
Where did Columbus land on his 1st voyage?
An island in the Caribbean.
What was the only Portuguese colony in the New World?
What was the Treaty of Tordesillas?
It divided the world between Spain & Portugal.
What was the 1st permanent settlement in the New World?
What was the main cargo being transported on the "Middle Passage?"
Slave labor was needed in Brazil to grow ________.
Sugar cane
Which European powers had good relations with the Native Americans?
French & Dutch
Which European power was primarily interested in mining gold & silver rather than creating permanent settlements?
Who "kicked" the Dutch out of the New World?
Who fought in the French & Indian War?
French & Native Americans vs. British & American Colonists
Which explorer was the 1st to reach the tip of Africa?
Batholomeu Dias
Which explorer proved that you could sail around Africa to reach India?
Vasco da Gama
Which explorer is North & South America named after?
Amerigo Vespucci
Which French explorer founded Montreal?
Jacques Cartier
Which French explorer founded Quebec?
Samuel Champlain
Which king & queen of Spain funded Columbus' voyage?
Ferdinand & Isabella
Portuguese royal who started a school for navigators?
Prince Henry
Which explorer searched Florida looking for the "Fountain of Youth?"
Ponce de Leon
Which explorers clamed the northern Mississippi region for France?
Jacques Marquette & Louis Joliet
Which explorer worked 1st for the Dutch & then for England?
Henry Hudson
Which English explorer "discovered" Nova Scotia & Newfoundland?
John Cabot
Which French explorer claimed the lower Mississippi for France?
Which Spanish explorer explored modern day Arizona & New Mexico?
Which English privateer circumnavigated the globe?
Sir Francis Drake
Which explorer for France was the first to explore modern day North Carolina?
Giovanni da Verrazano
Which Spanish explorer marched across Panama and named the Pacific Ocean?
Vasco Nunez de Balboa
What famous American President was defeated by the French in the French & Indian War?
George Washington
Economic system in which most businesses are privately owned and working for profit.
Joint Stock Company
Business formed by groups who make an investment and share the profit.
Economic system in which a country's power is measured by its wealth.
Favorable Balance of Trade
When a country exports more than it imports.