When was the Byzantine Empire active?
395- 1483 CE
Who was the prominent husband-wife ruling team of the Byzantine Empire?
Justinian and Theodora
What 3 main things did Justinian and Theodora accomplish?
reconquering Western Roman Empire, Nika Revolt, and Justinian's Code
What were the 2 main reasons that the Roman Empire fell?
no food and population too large
What happened after the "fall" of the Roman Empire?
emperors with different ethnicities
Name the 3 Germanic tribes who invaded the Byzantine Empire?
Ostragoths, Vandals, and Visagoths
Which emperor was more powerful: Byzantine or Roman?
What did the Romans want to do about the Germans in the Byzantine Empire?
contain them
What was all Byzantine art and architecture influenced by?
Why did so many chapels exist?
public figures gaining status
What type of art formed was reinvented during the Byzantine Empire's rule?
Pope is church doctrine: Roman Catholic or Orthodox?
Roman Catholic
Church council is church doctrine: Roman Catholic or Orthodox?
Services in Latin: Roman Catholic or Orthodox?
Roman Catholic
Services in Greek: Roman Catholic or Orthodox?
Clergy can't marry: Roman Catholic or Orthodox?
Roman Catholic
Clergy can marry: Roman Catholic or Orthodox?
What caused the split between Roman Catholic and Orthodox?
What is the split between Roman Catholic and Orthodox in 1054 CE called?
The Great Schism
After the fall of Rome, who arose in Europe?
Germanic tribes
How many small kingdoms were developed in Europe in the 400s?
How did Christianity spread to Anglo-Saxon England?
Augustine of Canterbury and monks converted people in Kent
Who did the Anglo-Saxons unite under?
Alfred the Great
What was Alfred the Great king of?
What forces did Alfred the Great and the Anglo-Saxons push back to the north?
The Danes
What did Alfred the Great eventually become?
Ruler of England
Who took over Gaul in the 400s?
The Franks
Who were the Franks led by?
In 496 CE, what did Clovis and 3,000 of his troops do?
convert to Christianity
Who increased emphasis on monasticism?
Gregory the Great
When was monasticism at its peak?
The Middle Ages
What was monasticism?
isolated living
What were the 2 major types of monasteries in Middle Ages Europe?
Benedictine and Celtic
What were the Benedictines' vows of?
obedience and poverty
Who were the Benedictine monasteries run by?
chosen monk or local noble
What 2 contributions did Benedictine monks make?
schools and copied manuscripts
Why did monasteries become wealthy, then powerful?
money for prayers from nobles
Where did Celtic monasteries develope?
Who were more severe, Benedictines or Celtics?
Where were Celtic monasteries built?
small islands
What did abbots act as?
Celtic monastery and local leader
Where were other active Celtic missionariess?
British Isles
How did the Nika Revolt end?
military unleashed
Why did Justinian create a new code of law?
consistent and logical for people
Why did the Byzantine Empire lose Roman influence?
fell apart and Greece was closer
When was the Byzantine Golden Age?
500s CE