Industrial Revolution
the change from an agricultural to an industrial society and from home manufacturing to factory production, especially the one that took place in England from about 1750 to about 1850
Agricultural shift in England
People started moving to the urban area and the enclosure movement was only good for the big farms
England (first to industrialize; how and why)
England was first to industrialize because they had a lot of resources such as money, coal, iron, and food
Factors of Production (three)
They had much more food in the 18th century, more abundant food supplies, had a ready supply of money, a lot of natural resources, and free society.
Mega Farms
Huge plantations and was a major help from the enclosure movement
Rural vs. Urban
The urban has much more people and this place is where more factories take place. Rural areas such as farmlands and mega farms where there.
There are coal powered, water powered, and steam powered.
love of country and willingness to sacrifice for it
A policy in which a strong nation seeks to dominate other countries politically, socially, and economically.
Triple Alliances, Triple Entente, Allied Powers, Central Powers
Aggressive Preparation for war
A society that has no government and everyone is equal in society
an economic system based on private ownership of capital
Adam Smith
Made best statement in 1776 for , Economist who wrote Wealth of Nations; Laissez-Faire economics
Karl Marx and Fredrick Engles
Wrote the communist manifesto
Imperialism in India
Sepoy massacred two hundred defenseless women and children in a house
Mahatma Ghandi
born in 1869 that became a lawyer and had a nonviolent protest toward the British independence
Social Darwinism
When Europe needs to civilize nonwhite people and spread their religion
Japan as a colonial power
Began to imperialize and take over other states
Boxer Rebellion
Destroy foreigners and slaughtered many foreigners missionaries
Taiping Rebellion
led by Hong Xiu Quan and seized by Nan Jing but stopped by the British.
Cotton Gin
Made by Eli Whitney and improved cotton industry
Spinning Jenny
James Ha, This machine played an important role in the mechanization of textile production. Like the spinning wheel, it may be operated by a treadle or by hand. But, unlike the spinning wheel, it can spin more than one yarn at a time. The idea for multiple-yarn spinning was conceived about 1764 by James Hargreaves, an English weaver. In 1770, he patented a machine that could spin 16 yarns at a time. (643, 727)
Steam Engine
This improved transportation and allowed factories away from water power
individuals who start new businesses, introduce new products, and improve management techniques
James Watt
Improved the steam engine
Thomas Edison
Created the light bulb
Eli Whitney
Created the cotton gin and also produced mass production
Louis Pasteur
Frenchman that discovered vaccination and pasteurization
Henry Bessemer
This man revolutionized the way to manufacture steel by making the process quicker and more efficient
Order of Events in WWI Beginning with the assassination to the Armistice
Assassination of Ferdinand caused the Austria-Hungary to gathering the war and then the Lusitania caused the war. Austria Hungary declares war on the Serbians and Russia was on their side.